I highly suggest anyone with an xbox go buy Splinter Cell right now. I think it is an early contender for game of the year, and it has been a long time since I have enjoyed a game nearly so much.

Those with PC, it is supposed to be coming to you in December. If you have a Gamecube or a PS2, it is possible that it is coming to those platforms too, so cross your fingers. I honestly hope that it does, so everyone can enjoy this truly amazing game.
Halo is better!!
Thrakkiss wrote:
I highly suggest anyone with an xbox go buy Splinter Cell right now. I think it is an early contender for game of the year, and it has been a long time since I have enjoyed a game nearly so much.

Those with PC, it is supposed to be coming to you in December. If you have a Gamecube or a PS2, it is possible that it is coming to those platforms too, so cross your fingers. I honestly hope that it does, so everyone can enjoy this truly amazing game.

I've been playing it as well. Absolutely the best game I have ever played. Amazing graphics as well.