![]() Nov 28 2002, 8:47 pm
They are evil... I understand requiring a credit card to ship the game, but to register your account even if you download it has to violate some law in some state. Anyways, after about a entire day or two trying to download it off of fileplanet, which always has some kinda problem with alrge files (It takes 3.5 hours to download, not including waiting in line), and I finally get it correctly downloaded without anything happening, then I juggle around my 5 gigs with other games and such to extract it, delete original setup (and write down code), start to set it up, and at the end find out about the whole thing of this credit card stuff for something that's free. I don't understand the whole point of this. If they just want people who are adults to play it, not every adult gets a credit card, and I know more people who don't and won't get one then those who have one. The thing is I wonder if there is any way of getting past this, because I already know making up a fake card won't work.
![]() Nov 28 2002, 9:23 pm
You're just as well off. I don't think you can sink any lower into lifelessness than playing a game with other people about pretending to have a life.
All the ******* stupid companys who make you pay just to play are completley stupid and the people who actually pay, are almost as stupid as the people who made it.
Mrhat99au wrote:
All the ******* stupid companys who make you pay just to play are completley stupid and the people who actually pay, are almost as stupid as the people who made it. I don't see how charging money for a service that took a large amount of time, effort, and money to put forth is stupid. Not charging would be much worse and would leed the authors to a short and painful life of poverty. |
Unfortunately, Mrhat, bandwidth isn't free, which is why they must charge you. So where are you on this list? Stupider than the people charging for games, I suppose. Much stupider.
tried paypal before, but they require subscription fees upon the fees you pay. and the subscription fee isnt worth it.
Also, i deleted the old card a year ago and just a few months ago the paypal system went screwy and autocharged over 300 accounts with random purchases. It was reimbursed but thats not the point. they had no right having the number on file. Credit card is like a babies bottle. cheques or money via-mail or direct deposit is like solid food, most babies arent mature enough to swallow it. Besides, with credit cards, companies can "determine what you like the most, so they can offer you "SPECIAL" offers only "YOU" receive". Its all a hoaky gimmick, companies will almost always demand credit cards. |
RE: below post aswell, bandwidth isnt free, also, you will probably receive free upgrades, new models, and clothes for your barbie and ken dolls.
If theres a dedicated server involved then theres maintenance fees and that isnt free either. |
You're just as well off. I don't think you can sink any lower into lifelessness than playing a game with other people about pretending to have a life. Selling my soul isn't your problem, stay out of matters like this. |
Why the hell would i want to pay for some shitty game, then have to pay more just to play it. Its stupid, they make enough profits from people buying it.
No, Garthor, all these evil companys are making us pay for our own games. It's complete idocy to make us pay when we bought it for a start. Who cares about their sever repairs?
If they want us to pay, then i wont play. |
downloaded it...registered...played it...gets old fast cause you do nothing but wait days for a skill to go up just to wait a 1/2 an hour to make $50 then by the time you have enough money to but what you want for your house then bastards at EA decide OH its time for a pwipe...goodbye house goodbye skills...
Fine then, you go live in your fantasy world, where servers never need repairs. I don't pay for online games, simply because those games are crap, and I don't have $15 a month to buy crap with. You're just being illogical and stupid.
If you really knew anything about servers and running them you would know these costs cover very important things. For one, they need to constantly pay for more than 5 servers which have, usually, one of the fastest connections and very fast servers to house 1000 people at a time and possibly more, plus many npcs in a huge world. In Ultima Online The world map was split up into differant areas that each had it's own server, which caused bugs (that were fixed), so there were about 20 or 15 of these servers for about one shard alone, and there's about 9 shards, so they have to pay for 180 or 135 servers and their internet connection. Then you have to pay the programmers to add more stuff so people can get their money's worth and to fix bugs that everyone happens to find. You also have to pay for a repair on the hardware if it fails also.
Hey, everquest is just like that, you pay money to play online, even after you spend an a**load of time downloading updates and buying the game itself. Its totally bull****!!!!
Yamamushi wrote:
Hey, everquest is just like that, you pay money to play online, even after you spend an a**load of time downloading updates and buying the game itself. Its totally bull****!!!! Yeah, like why do they even have upgrades? They totally waste our time on a 56k connection! |