In response to Xooxer
Just to add to the multitude of voices...

Two words. BYOND. Rules.

(Or is that six words, as BYOND is an acronym? Never mind... :-P )
In response to Xooxer
No words can describe the joy(and frustration at times)that BYOND has brought to me. All I can say is thank you for such a great thing Dan and Tom, thanks for all you've done and thanks for not quiting on all of your loyal community members. You've had to put up with a lot of crap from us and I don't think theres one person here that would say there not sorry for a thing they've done. Thank you from me and I expect everyone else on byond that hasn't added their words of thanks to this thread yet.

Well im not good at writing so I'll leave it at that. Thanks again.

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