In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Same here.I tryed the huge one on the sims and my computer freaked out.It was funny.

It is 1280x1024 but it is way to dang small.I keep mine at 1024*768.800*600 is to large for me.
In response to Mertek
If im thinking correctly, the display adaptor is what gives the resolution? Im gonna buy a new 3d card for christmas that can go up to 2048x1536, a 64mb ATI Radeon 7500.
In response to Mertek
Must be a pretty weak monitor. Mine is decently old and can go 1600x1200.

No, it just doesn't go as far out to make your eyes strain trying to look at icons.
In response to Jotdaniel
I don't think it's the card that allows higher resolutions. For example, I hook my ancient monitor up to the same computer and it refuses to go above 640x480, 256 colors.
Foomer wrote:
This is mostly for deciding what screen size to go with. My resolution is 1024x768. What's yours?

If you mean for a game, bank on 800x600. 640x480 is no longer feasible as a display size, but a lot of people still use 800x600. To display large icons at this size in DM (maximized), you're limited to 14 tiles vertically.

I myself run 1152x864 on the desktop, 1600x1200 on the laptop. (On Windows XP, high resolutions are actually feasible.)

Lummox JR
In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
Why don't you use Zpoll instead of taking up precious space on Dantom's server.

Would that be the Zpoll running on :-)

1600x1200. Its massiveness makes the ladies swoon.

1024 X 768
My NewYear resoultions are to lose weight, earn a good GPA this year in school, and to find a good prom date.

My screen resolution is about the same *I alter it up and down a size based on what I am currently doing and how tired I may be*

My solution to the homeless is to move as many of them to a type of reservation where they could work their way up, or give them jobs as the police scince they are always on the streets anyway.

In response to NeoHaxor
NeoHaxor wrote:

My solution to the homeless is to move as many of them to a type of reservation where they could work their way up, or give them jobs as the police scince they are always on the streets anyway.

The first idea is already in practice in some small towns around the country. The second idea is just scary! O.o

Bum: Spare some change?
Suit: No, get a job.
Bum pulls out a badge.
Bum: I gots me a job! Gimme yo wallet, I need ta see sum ID.
Bum takes wallet and runs....

In response to Mertek
Both the graphics cards and the monitor decide the resolution of the screen. If the monitor can only handle 1280x1024 don't expect the 2000xwhatever that all of our crazy graphics card claim to be able to do. And it goes the other way around, if you up and got inspired to buy some really awsome monitor but you are running some old crappy graphics card you'll only be able to as high as that suppports.

By the way, my perfered resolution is as high as I can get it but my monitor at home only goes up to 1280x1024.
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