How sad, my Girl Freind invited some guy to a convo earlier. And, Sure, he is the local-bully in my school. Well, the bully to the little computer geeks. He is rambling on about how he is going to come to kick my ass and stuff, So I told my girl freind to shuv it, and now i'm waiting for this geek to come over. I'm so ferious right now.
When you think about it, are girls some type of robotic-machine thats modo is: Lets get even with our Boy Freinds
Oh well. I'm not scared of him -_- But, the thing is, I never had none of this planned lol
[edit] I asked her if she had anyother guy freinds that thought I was a fag, and wanted to come over tonight as well, while I'm in the mood.. She didn't reply.. Then blocked me.. Lol [/edit]
![]() Nov 30 2002, 5:14 pm (Edited on Nov 30 2002, 5:22 pm)
![]() Nov 30 2002, 5:49 pm
I am sorry man, but there are plenty of fish in the sea! =).
SSJKaclis wrote:
I am sorry man, but there are plenty of fish in the sea! =). Not the way society is going, did you know the fish population goes down alot every year? lol RaeKwon |
Comments like that is what makes bullies want to pound you, right Big Bubba? Big Bubba: Yes huh!
<<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
I never had much trouble with bullies about my geekiness - usually a quick look into the school records (at the time they were on a bunch of networked Macs accessible to a 2400 baud dial-up line for the teachers) convinced them to be on *my* good side.
Plus I played soccer one season, so I certainly was not in bad physical condition...I was one of the few jock/geeks we had at the time. |
I'v never met a bully myself, at least I don't think. Now of days you don't really get the kids who want to just beat you up because of your personal life, nobody actually wants to beat you up anyways either. I found out that by not talking about computer stuff to people who don't know anything about computers, then it makes it easy to become friends with them. I'm mostly friends with people who like stuff that I like though, mostly games, martial arts, and football. Then I go to cheerleader practices to make friends with girls, but I have never really been in a bully versus geek scenario, or seen one let alone. The really geeky people at my school don't even get bothered, it's mostly them getting ignored(The people considered geeks at my school act like they are 10 or something and throw in corny junk when they talk.).
<<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
For all i know, I'm the only "geeky" student at my school, yet i have a reputation of being the smartest kid in school. Because of that i haven't even seen a bully of any scenario, just cause I'm around.
Nerds and Geeks are two different things, but one man could be both.
A nerd is an intellectual. Often they are taken advantage of in school for their sheer materialism (otherwise they would know how the bully is going to turn out and will be able to tolerate the pain) You barely see nerds really getting beat on. just cornered and given specific duties to perform. Geeks on the otherhand are often people with undiagnosed learning disorders/social disorders and say the wrong thing at the wrong time. They are often loners, or hang around with others like them or less intelligent. If they survive the constant tormenting and weekly, if not, daily beatings they could develope their alternative abilities that overshadow their disabilities that they have let take advantage of them over the years. I fall into that crowd. the geeks. once. People stopped beating on me when i lost alot of weight and started predicting things. |
I have no idea where you pull your definitions out of. Every time you try to clarify a fine point, the classification you come up with become weirder and more out of left field.
Etymologically speaking, "geek" referred to a sideshow circus performer who enacts the part of a mindless brute wearing tattered rags and eating live chickens (biting the head off as the climax of the act.) From there, the word sort of evolved to meaning "social outcast" or "misfit." Because computer afficianados and smart kids tend to be social outcasts and misfits, they tend to be labelled geeks. Geek still retains a lot of the unsavory undertones denoted by the original usage, whereas nerds are stereotyped as being cleancut and conservative, "square." So, you have someone with a crewcut and a collared shirt who takes a lot of extra classes, well-liked by teachers and authority figures: a nerd. You have someone just as smart as the nerd, but with unwashed hair and skin (often along with attendant acne), someone antisocial and rebellious. Broadly speaking, nerds read newspapers and financial magazines. Geeks read comic books. |
Dareb wrote:
Geeks...are often people with undiagnosed learning Huh? 'Often' is an over-abused term in your posts. I certainly have no undiagnosed anything, and speak my mind freely - that does not infer saying things at the wrong time. I've never been a loner, and hung around with jocks, geeks, nerds, air-heads, druggies, bums, socialites, businessmen - anyone. About the only accurate thing in this thread has been Lexy's differences of geeks and nerds. I 'often' gravitate between these two extremes (except the acne part), depending on how badly I need to interact with the public/outside world. |
Nerd's and Geek's are the same thing. Like lots of words they have multiple meanings. A guy who sits around on his computer all day could be called a computer geek or a computer nerd.
Basically a Nerd/Geek = Someone who is differnt to most other people around them. They are insults. Like you can say d***head or s***head, you just say the one that sounds better. Also, dont bother arguing that they arent insults. You may not think that being called a nerd is insulting, but the person calling you one is trying to insult you by calling you is. Unless of course your friends with them, but thats like when your extremely racist towards your black friend. You both know it's not meant to be mean. -DogMan PS: 'Etymologically speaking'? Your just asking people to skip over your points and argue with you. |
I think the topic of this thread sums up my feelings about your post, so I'll let it do the talking. As for the finer points of your ignorance, I just gotta say...
Dareb wrote: Often they are taken advantage of in school for their sheer materialism That makes no sense at all. If people are taken advantage of for being materialistic, how come the preps (usually) are left out of the public humiliation? How come the Ditzy Divas aren't scorned and beat? No one (in this country) thinks being materialistic is a nerd trait. Perhpas in your country, but I highly doubt it that. Do you even know what that word means? (otherwise they would know how the bully is going to turn out and will be able to tolerate the pain) Again, this makes no sense at all. Please come back to reality, and lay off the psychotropic substances. They're not helping. You barely see nerds really getting beat on. just cornered and given specific duties to perform. Please don't tell me what I see and do not see. You don't know me, and therefore have no voice in stating what I experience or have experienced. Don't lie to people by telling them you know something that you do not. Geeks on the otherhand are often people with undiagnosed learning disorders/social disorders and say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Grammar correction: "Geeks, on the other hand, are..." I would classify myself as a geek, and I have no disorders, undiagnosed, or otherwise. Alot of my friends are geeks, and while some may have disorders, the majority are just plain weird. That's why I like them. Saying things, wrong or not, irregardless of the time or place, does not classify someone under any specific category. Catagorizing people at all is wrong, but that's another thread. They are often loners, or hang around with others like them or less intelligent. While I don't go out of my way to find crowds or groups to hang out with, I wouldn't call myself a loner. A loner is one who avoids contact with other people, no matter who they are. I had a friend who was a loner, and I can safely say I was his only friend. Even then, he didn't hang around me for too long, and would eventually go wander off on his own. Intelligence has nothing to do with being considered a geek. I am very intelligent, and consider myself a geek, and my geeky friends wouldn't be my friends if they weren't intelligent. If they survive the constant tormenting and weekly, if not, daily beatings they could develope their alternative abilities that overshadow their disabilities that they have let take advantage of them over the years. Grammar correction: "If they survive the weekly, if not daily, beatings, they..." I was not beat daily, weekly or evn on a regular basis. Many of my geeky friends can whoop some major butt, if provoked. Geekiness does not equate to weakness. Perhaps that's true in your instance, but not in ours. As far as developing alternative abilities, unless you're refering to agressive tendencies, and possibly paranoia, I see no advantages to being beat on a regular basis. Being a geek is not disabling, either. I am not crippled becuase I am different, in fact, I am empowered because of it. I fall into that crowd. the geeks. once. Grammar correction: "I fell into that crowd, the geeks, once." I don't see where you've fallen out of it. People stopped beating on me when i lost alot of weight and started predicting things. Predicting things. That's funny. I suppose you predicted 9/11, and Bush's win over Gore, and the economy's downturn, and my responses to this post. :P I think they stopped beatting you becuase they realized they were making you even more messed up, and could not stand the horrors they had wrought. You never cease to amaze me with every post, at how much you do not understand. Please, continue, I can always use a good laugh. :D ~X |
Nerds and geeks are the same thing? I find that doubly hilarious coming from the person who tried to tell me that 1/2 and 0.5 are not the same thing. The words are definitely synonyms, which means they have similar meanings, yet they have different connotations (undertones). The "Revenge of the Nerds" series of movies never would've been called "Revenge of the Geeks", without major changes to the main characters. Similarly, the Comic Store Guy on the Simpsons would never be called a nerd.
In real life, trying to fit strict labels on people is difficult, so a lot of people would fit into the geek or nerd label equally well Finally, were in my post did I say that the words are not insults? I said that nerds are people thought of as "square" and geeks are named after circus freaks. If you thought that was my subtle way of saying that these are indeed titles of distinction, think again. |
1.I meant their materialistic ways make them overcautious of pain. and so, those bullies who dont really care take advantage of them. and i never said materialism is a nerd trait, you are a jumpy weasle and you cant even begin to comprehend what I write until I shove it in your face.
2. I dont know what you mean by psycotropic drugs, ive read this sentence quit often and see no problem with it, so i figure you had no sane rebuttal to this. 3. You seem to be dictating what I see often enough, I think I should have a chance at dictating what you see., besides I wasnt. It was a vague reference at how things are done in the society I live in. Hell even I acknowledge the differences between two distinct cities and realize one thing someone says is true, and something another says may seem to be in direct contrast to what that prior man had said and still they would both be correct. If you dont understand what I just said, You shouldnt reply. 4. Dont ever correct me unless I miss-spell, I dont care about grammar and I doubt I ever will. Its a waste of time. 5. "They are often Loners" not "They are always loners" 6. Like I said, these are my personal perceptions to the world around ME. this is no less true simply because your area deviates. I predicted a kids death on the day he died because he pissed me off. I was the only person laughing in the school. And I openly admitted that I think the world is a better place without him, Of course like I said many months past. My predictions and ability of foresight is only a different way of perceiving information my brain has processed even though I may not have noticed myself processing it, this information is processed in my mind and pulls out a possible outcome. Perhaps I had overheard them saying they were going to steal a car and go drinking, perhaps they had also said they were going to be out early in the morning around a mall to torment people walking through a parking lot, perhaps I had even processed the information that it has been raining and that night was going to be freezing. All this information could have EASILY come together and been a prediction. Its not so far-fetched now, is it? Almost everything can be measured, calculated, and reproduced by science. The only major problem are skeptical people saying things cannot exist, preventing science from logically studying it. So, the existance of souls and spirits can be measured, but once again. Skeptics get in the way and make people feel like idiots for even thinking such a thing. Shame on you bastards. Your holding the human race back from powerful discoveries. Now stop questioning every comment I make. |
actually L.A
1/2 and 0.5 are both, the same thing. and are also not the same thing. Depends on how you look at it. double half.. and double the .5 youll find quickly that these equals are not so equal. he may have been easily confused through overthinking this as 1/2 turns into 2/4 when doubled. and 0.5 turns into 1.0 but using logic you probably never specified any alteration of the numbers. in that case both numbers would be the same. Still, its easy to see where one can go wrong in this. And your an ogre when it comes to proving people wrong. |
Dareb wrote:
1.I meant their materialistic ways make them overcautious of pain. Love of material possessions makes one overcautious of pain? How? 2. I dont know what you mean by psycotropic drugs, ive read this sentence quit often and see no problem with it, so i figure you had no sane rebuttal to this. Deal! My predictions and ability of foresight is You misspelled the word a-r-e as i-s. I predicted a kids death on the day he died because he pissed me off. You're like a Pre-Crisis Superman writer. Every story, you invent a new power. All this information could have EASILY come together and been a prediction. Its not so far-fetched now, is it? I'm not skeptical about the existence of souls or spirits. I think the simple fact of human consciousness proves the existence of the intangible. I even believe that there are people out there with powers of perception far beyond the scope of what we think of as "normal", and I am willing to believe there are people with unusual powers of control over the environment around them. This doesn't stop me from being skeptical, however. After all, I believe there are money-making opportunities in this world, but that doesn't mean I mindlessly believe anything that arrives in my e-mail and claims to be such. Now stop questioning every comment I make. Stop making questionable comments. FYI, discoveries don't get made because people STOP asking questions. They happen because of the questioners. You appear to blindly put your faith in whatever stray thought passes through your head at a given moment. If you make any amazing discoveries, it will be a sheer coincidence. |
Dareb wrote:
actually L.A Double 1/2 == 1 Double .5 == 1 youll find quickly that these equals are not so equal. How so? he may have been easily confused through overthinking this as 1/2 turns into 2/4 when doubled. and 0.5 turns into 1.0 Are you saying that 1/2 turns into 2/4 when doubled, or that Dog Man thought it did? This is another place where you might want to reconsider your stance on the relevance of "grammar." Anyways, if you're saying 1/2 turns into 2/4 when doubled, it doesn't. 2/4ths isn't double 1/2. It's the same thing. If you put down a half dollar at a casino, win, and walk away, you go out with a full dollar, not two quarters. 1/2 * 2 == 1. but using logic you probably never specified any alteration of the numbers. in that case both numbers would be the same. Both numbers are the same no matter how they are altered, as long as the alteration is mathematic in nature, because both are merely different notations for the same number. 1/2 * 3 = 1 1/2 0.5 * 3 = 1.5 It would be equally correct to write: 1/2 * 3 = 1.5 0.5 * 3 = 1 1/2 One is using fractional notation, one is using decimal, but they are the SAME number, from top to bottom and start to finish. 0.5 == 1/2 1 1/2 == 1.5 |
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
Dareb wrote: injuries of the flesh sustained in the form of simple bruises and scrapes are nothing. lasting injuries are what you should pay more attention to. Since the body is an object and most injuries are just flesh-wounds people care too much about pain and appearance. So they whine and cry as if one poke or drop of blood would make them deflate like a water balloon. Its sad. Stop making questionable comments. FYI, discoveries don't get made because people STOP asking questions. They happen because of the questioners. You appear to blindly put your faith in whatever stray thought passes through your head at a given moment. If you make any amazing discoveries, it will be a sheer coincidence. very good point :D I believe in Coincidence alot, because I dont like the idea of fate. |
ah, see.
good example of overlooking by overthinking. Yes, I believe dogman and apparently ME too, have been mislead by our own thinking patterns by not examining the numbers closely enough, that and the fact that Ive never really cared much about fractions |
injuries of the flesh sustained in the form of simple bruises and scrapes are nothing. lasting injuries are what you should pay more attention to. Since the body is an object and most injuries are just flesh-wounds people care too much about pain and appearance. So they whine and cry as if one poke or drop of blood would make them deflate like a water balloon. Its sad. ...and this is materialism? We joke a lot about Canadians being poor, but if that's what passes for materialism among the people of the north, then maybe we should organize some benefit concerts and buy you guys some stereo equipment or something. So what's crass consumerism... eating? |