Well due to ice freezing tree brances and them braking onto powerlines, i was out of power for about 40 hours. Boy that sucked. Over a million people were out of power in Duke power's(our power company) area alone. Many people still are im sure. Even most of the shops in our area were out of power. We ate at a place running on generators. It sucked so much. Well anyways the power is back on at my house, and im happy. Just wanted you all to know that, bye.
I live in sunny California :) It rarly drops below 50 degrees here. So I need not worry about ice and such.
In response to BurningIce
I live in Oregon, basically the same thing as BurningIce has.
In response to Delita12345
I think Scoobert needs to Burn some Ice!
In response to BurningIce
BurningIce wrote:
I live in sunny California :) It rarly drops below 50 degrees here. So I need not worry about ice and such.

I'm above California 'British Columbia,' we havn't had to worry about much Ice so far.. Usually its raining all the time, snowing, and cold. But it's been pretty nice weather =)

ENGLAND rah rah raah!!
In response to Maz
Central Europe! Rah rah, blah blah! (we get most of the crappy weather sent to us by the Brits...)
In response to digitalmouse
digitalmouse wrote:
Central Europe! Rah rah, blah blah! (we get most of the crappy weather sent to us by the Brits...)

Hehehe, serves yourself right for being to the north of us lol :-D

Only kidding, we do get a tremendous ammount of bad weather though (Us Brittish if you don't know who I am talking about :P)

Sucks big time... I want lotsa snow at winter and lotsa sun at summer :P...

Not RAIN, RAIN and more bloody RAIN!!!

Hehehe :-D

Love sending ya gifts from the UK, Digitalmouse ;)

Haha i beat you all, i live in Australia! Its way too hot here, its really crap.