After cranking up DS, I got this on screen:

<--(8:15 am) Pagemaster: TIME FOR THE MIDNIT JAM SCAM!!!!!!
<--(8:19 am) Pagemaster: -->(9:32 pm) Pagemaster: Hello are you there?
<--(9:33 pm) Nocturnal Chaos: No
-->(9:34 pm) Pagemaster: are you being a smart ass
<--(9:34 pm) Nocturnal Chaos: Maybe
-->(9:34 pm) Pagemaster: do you think i'am gonna put up with this shit from you
<--(9:34 pm) Nocturnal Chaos: Yes
-->(9:34 pm) Pagemaster: you kicked my dog...
-->(9:35 pm) Pagemaster: You think i dont know !!
<--(9:36 pm) Nocturnal Chaos: I gave it to the Chinese people to use for my boneless spare ribs
-->(9:37 pm) Pagemasters: OOOO now you threaten me. For kicking my dog i will kill you
-->(9:38 pm) Pagemaster: Well i will not kill you but i will sue you
-->(9:39 pm) Pagemaster: You think i am jokeing eh yes? no no no no whenn you kick my dog ....oo shit oo shit
-->(9:40 pm) Pagemaster: giveing me the silient treatment eh?
<--(9:40 pm) Nocturnal Chaos: yeah
-->(9:41 pm) Pagemaster: you think i dont know you you you you
<--(9:41 pm) Nocturnal Chaos: You dont
-->(9:41 pm) Pagemaster: thats animal abuse
-->(9:41 pm) Pagemaster: what did my dog do to you
-->(9:43 pm) Pagemaster: you stupid fool. i'am going to the policestation with my gay- grandson and when I come back oo ooo o you are screwed
-->(9:44 pm) Pagemaster: no comment huh
-->(9:45 pm) Pagemaster: NC.........
-->(9:46 pm) Pagemaster: You have been caught on the JAM SCAM!!!!!
<--(10:02 pm) Nocturnal Chaos: WTF? you crazy
<--(8:24 am) Pagemaster: well folks they'll be more Jam Scams by the one and only Pagemaster everyday. :D i save them in my jokes file today was my first show :)
<--(8:25 am) Pagemaster: ass for tommorrow bye!!!!!!!

And of course this earned a pagerban for Pagemaster. Why do you people do this? Don't you understand that the pager is *not* meant to be a live chat system (that's what BYOND is for), and that you cost DanTom money when you post this crap, especially when sent to 'all'.

It is this waste of DanTom's bandwidth and services that could cause BYOND to go belly-up due to excess expenses. Won't you be happy when that happens? I sure won't.

Stop these useless transmissions over the pager - you will only hurt the entire community. Use this energy to build a chat system so that you can do this on your own time, with your own resources. Please STOP wasting DanTom's!
Sheesh. I'm gonna preemptively pager-ban them both right now.

NC I think I'll give some benefit of the doubt as I did with Kereg, and still allow him access to my games. But he obviously, like Kereg, doesn't have the brains to know that you don't just page-all everyone in response to one individual. I can't imagine what must have gone on in the minds of people who were on NC's list but not Pagerbater's; they would have seen some very funky half-conversation.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
I used to get that all the time. Mostly from RaeKwon
In response to Lummox JR
It actually looks like a private conversation between Page and NC, which was then broadcast all at one time by Page.
In response to Flick
Now that I look at it more closely, yes your correct. Notice the second line of the message, that gives it away.
I agree, insulting chinese like that has to stop.... er, this isn't about that, was it?
The pager is not a toy! :D
In response to Flick
Flick wrote:
It actually looks like a private conversation between Page and NC, which was then broadcast all at one time by Page.

That's reassuring, then. At least it's just one troll, not two.

Lummox JR
Just so you know, that was a prank call from one of Adam Sandlers CD's. So they wornt even origanal. Sad Sad.
In response to Jotdaniel
I thought raekwon was a good man but just today he comes on MSN with a completely sexist name, i asked him to change it, since he didnt he wont be talking to me again.

Some say my perception of the world is distorted, I say my perception of the distorted world is fine.
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
I thought raekwon was a good man but just today he comes on MSN with a completely sexist name, i asked him to change it, since he didnt he wont be talking to me again.

Some say my perception of the world is distorted, I say my perception of the distorted world is fine.

I told you it was lyrics from a song. You continued to say how you would block and delete me in 1 minute. I said, delete me then, it's not changing. You continued to whine, and complain, so I blocked and deleted you, solved the problem pretty fast eh?

In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:
I used to get that all the time. Mostly from RaeKwon

Yep, i'll admit up to that. Sure, the first while was just nonsense joking around with people on my pager, then I spoke with Tom about the Send-to-all crap. He said it was fine, if I just used it for things like Hey all my game is up {Realm of mordor} stop on by it if your bored -- Sent to all and well explained why I sent it to all. Thats about all I use it for now, and probably will till Tom or Dan state otherwise.

In response to RaeKwon
You can get your commandments from God Almighty, but it still doesn't mean anything unless you stop to apply common sense. You realize there's a difference between sending a message to everyone watching you (people who are actively expressing interest in you/your work) and sending a message to everyone you're watching (people who might not ever have heard of you)? Lately, some thoughtless jerk from the Dark Vegeta side of things has been paging-to-all whenever he changes his game's hosting status, gets bored, or exhales... and he includes a BEEP tag in it. This is really annoying, because the HrH host computer is two feet away from where we sleep and we play CDs on it at night, so we can't just turn the sound down.
In response to RaeKwon
that was long time ago i didnt know it was annoying or cost money just wanted to make bored people laugh i mean most people on my pager didnt take it like you did they laugh and etc. digitalmouse i forgot about you i never new you blocked me this whole time.i didnt know you where strict most people on my pager like things like that and for those others its ok if you ban me and i dont know you how will that effect me?? I dont see how you just block someone on your pager before you even know them.....
O well digital mouse if your were that offended i appologize.
In response to Siientx
O SO THIS IS WHY SO YOU STARTED s[censored by moderator]t with me on my pager you could of just said so you fool lol.
In response to Pagemaster
It is these petty outbursts that got you pager banned from my system. (not to mention using foul language - and don't give me any crap about being emotional, or it just blurted out... this is not a telephone, you can check your typing *before* posting)

When I see that you actually contribute some good to the community, then I'll unban you - but not before. I take a hard line because I have no need to have people waste my bandwidth - sorry but that's the way it is. If you want to pay my DSL line, then you can page me all you want. But until then I take a retro-active or pro-active stance on pager abusers...
In response to Pagemaster
Pagemaster wrote:
O well digital mouse if your were that offended i

Apology accepted, and I appreciate the gesture. But you still remain banned until I see a marked improvement in behaviour.
In response to digitalmouse
I wasnt talking to you i was talking to Siientx and i dont care if you banned me as i said before i didnt even know you blocked me thise whole time and i didnt know you where so strict i thought you were one of those guys who like to laugh you know what kind of people i am talking about and i never knew it costs money to do that. I dont really have time to check my spelling i am busy right now.
In response to digitalmouse
well now i know it costs money to do that by the way i didnt know you were a strict kind of person.
In response to Pagemaster
Digimouse isn't really strict, as such - he just values his time and doesn't appreciate people wasting it when he doesn't want it to be wasted, like most of us. :-)
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