flag to suppress "loading ..." output in -l and -o, so we don't have to look for where the data actually starts.
-l and -o shouldn't compile the environment. I'd want these to run as quickly as possible, at present how slow they work on large code bases (especially just to list included files) make them not worth-while.
-o should print a standard format, xml or json or whatever can be easily parsed. Currently it prints some xml-like data which can't be read by conformant xml parsers, and html parsers can bite you in the back with its special handling of tags (since area tags are supposed to be self-closing).
-o bugs/problems:
text expressions in associative lists generate bad trees:
var/list/test = list("[1 + 1]" = "2")
/* becomes:
<var file=*>test
<val file=*>"2"</val>
I don't know if there's a difference between /var/ and var/, but the former will not generate anything in the tree:
/var/list/test = list(1, 2, 3)
/* becomes:
// empty!
There may be more tree generation issues, these are just the ones which I've caught immediately. In its current state I don't think dm.exe is of much value other than just compiling an environment, hopefully this can be changed.