I'm not supporting DBZ games, I just was wondering. Why does everyone hate Cooler? I mean he was one of the coolest enemies in the movies...ah well...if I ever make a DBZ game (most likely never) I'll include him.
Well, there's my rambling for the day. ^_^

Problem is, Frieza put up more of a fight than him. Also, Cooler is much stronger than Frieza, but yet he couldn't even fight good. He can charge his attacks faster. Cooler isn't really one of those characters that people care about because he's in the movies. For the coolest enemies in the movies, i'd have ot say Brolly. I think Brolly can kill any dbz enemy in the movies/series besides Buu, Janemba, and Hildegarn .
In response to Branks
bah, hildegarn was killed in one move, hes not hard!
In response to Maz
Yea well, I dont think you got my point. Hildegarn couldn't be beaten by ssvegeta or ssgoku. He COULD be beaten by ss3goku because he is stronger in that movie. Therefor Hildegarn is stronger than Cooler.
In response to Branks
yeah, i missed your point there :D