Author: King Gunnerblast
Date Added: 1/3/03
Status: Alpha (initial testing/development phase)
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Nintendo Party!!! ^_^ An arena to fight with Kirby, 3 different bombermen, Link, Ness, Samus, Mario, Bad Mario, Pikachu, and the all-mighty, Bowser!!!

Nintendo Party Copyright 2003+ King Gunnerblast's Productions

Does he actually think anyones gonna believe he copywrited his game that has a bunch of nintendo characters in it?
In response to Jotdaniel
He can copyright the content, but not the name or the character images.

So the code belongs to him and is protected by law, just like DBZ, so like most religious people say (and very meaningfully) - Forgive them lord, for they know not what they do.
In response to Dareb
So your saying I can just write "Copyright Poop Shoot 2002+" and get away with it?
In response to Branks
Anyways, whats up with 2003+? I don't think it's legal to own a copywrite forever after a date without having to accually update the copywrite. I don't think it's legal because if that was the case, soon everything will be copywrited because they were copywrited 76 years ago :-/
In response to Branks
You don't actually have to do anything... in the U.S., any original creation is copyrighted by the creator. You can register your copyright for additional protection (basically saves you the trouble of proving when you made your creation), but even if you don't put any notice anywhere, it's copyrighted.

Again, though, note the use of the word "original." Like someone else already said on this thread, you can't "copyright" a use of characters or images which someone else made.
In response to Kunark
A copy right lasts untill 50 years after the death of the one who it is copy righted to.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Well i'll be...Hmm, wouldn't it be hard to come up with something "original" on BYOND? There have been thousands of creations and I think comming up with something "original" would be hard(as for me). People tend to get mad, when you have a single word on your game title , that they have on theirs.
In response to Branks
I'm talking about something that would stand up in court (even the "court of common sense") as original, not something that follows a 10 year old boy's definition of originality. Most people on BYOND think that if they themselves make "Dragonball Z: The Carbon Copy Clone Saga", then it's a work of breathtaking originality, but someone who makes "Dragonball x: The Sagaciously Cloned Copy of Carbon" is clearly ripping them off.
In response to Scoobert
Bah! They keep overturning copywright experations. Soon, everything will be copywrighted forever.
In response to Jotdaniel
Even o.O