Since it is a few days past last year, I will ask this.

What did you think was the "Game of the Year" of 2002? And why?

Myself, I'd have to say Metroid Prime. A beautiful game bathed in majestic graphics. At first, I was skeptical because of the "first person prespective". But after fully completing it, it is the best game I have ever played. Part of the reason I think that this game is the game of the year is because I've been a Metroid fan since the begining. So, yay.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City comes in with a second on my list. It would have been my favorite, if it wasn't for the many, MANY bugs.

And I think X-Box's Splinter Cell also deserves a big thumbs up.

So, that's my thoughts.
I never gamed much this year. Hopefully that will change this year.
In response to Sariat
In my personal oppinion I think that:

For Ps2: DBZ Budokai
For Gamecube: Hmm not sure
For X-Box: Splinter Cell
For BYOND: Lode Wars

In response to Conquest
i think the game of the year was.....Halo if that was even out that year or Mech Assault
In response to Magnus VI
GTA: Vice City is God. The Bugs make it even more fun. GO GTA!
In response to Conquest
BYOND game of the year is Hedgerow Hall.
PS2 Game: GTA Vice City
X-Box: Dunno
GameCube: Dunno
BYOND Game Popularity Wise: DragonBall Zeta
Best Roleplaying BYOND Game: Hedgerow Hall
Best Action Thriller: Lode Wars
Best Fan Game: Dragon Warrior Online

In response to RaeKwon
My favorite Game of the year on BYOND is Muppet Kombat :D

~ Jermman

P.S. Also try out James Bond: Agent under fire. Its a good game.
In response to Jermman
Jermman wrote:
P.S. Also try out James Bond: Agent under fire. Its a good game.

Is that a BYOND game, or a system game? And for what system?

In response to RaeKwon
Its a Console Game for PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox.
In response to Jermman
Jermman wrote:
Its a Console Game for PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox.

D'oh! Ok :-P

In response to Conquest
You call Budokai a good game... lol!
Or better yet... the most anticipated game of 2003. I don't know of too many but I'm looking forward to Final Fantasy XI and Devil May Cry 2. Also if any really good games come out then... those too.
In response to Dark-Xero
PS2: its a tie GTAVC and Budokia even though they both were easy.
Xbox: SplinterCell/Mech Assualt aslo a tie.
GameCube: Metroid Prime and Mario Sunshine a tie as well.
GBA: The legend of zelda link to the past/ Metroid Fusion well well well another tie how shoking!
BYOND: i didnt really like any of the games.

I also enjoyed playing....:
Xbox: Splinter Cell ***** 5 outta 5
Xbox: Mech Assuslt **** 4 outta 5
Xbox: Halo(not very good but ok) *** 3 outta 5
Xbox: Max Payne ***** 5 outta 5
Xbox: Morrowind **** 4 outta 5
PS2: Ratchet and clank **** 4 outta 5
PS2: GTAVC **** 4 outta 5
PS2: DBZ Budokai **** 4 outta 5
PS2: Sly Cooper **** 4 outta 5
GC: Metroid Prime ***** 5 outta 5
GC: Mario Sunshine ***** 5 outta 5
GC: Sonic Adventure 2 *** 3 outta 5
GBA: Metroid Fusion ***** 5 outta 5
GBA: Link to the Past ***** 5 outta 5

PS. Xbox Live rules!

These are my opinions if you dont like them please dont yell about them Thank you.

In response to SaiyanBrad
How is Spliter Cell and Mech Assult a tie if you gave Splinter Cell a higher score... sounds kinda suspicous to me...
In response to Tokabol
because i liked the games the same but SC had better graphics so it got 5.

In response to SaiyanBrad
Even though the graphics of this day and age are nice, sleek, and "spiffy"; Some of my votes are classics that just never seem to die. Note, these are just games I have played.

Current Games
GTA Vice City
Tony Hawk 4
Any of the "Metal Gear" series
You dont know Jack
The sims (Soon to get sims online)

Classic Games
Earthbound (Still my favorite RPG)
Chrono Trigger
Harvest Moon (The latest one I've played is the one for N64)

...Guardian of Dragons...
Well Zangband wasn't released this year but it was updated so I'm going to have to say Zangband. There just isn't any game that comes close :).
In response to Tokabol
Here is my favorite game list:

<Font color=White>PC:</font>
Strategy: Warcraft 3
RPG: Final Fantasy XI
Sports: Madden 2003

<Font color=White>Playstation 2:</font>
Action: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
RPG: Kingdom Hearts
Sports: Madden 2003

<Font color=White>BYOND:</font>
Action: Dragonball Zeta
RPG: Hedgerow Hall
Fangame: Dragon Warrior Online

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