A sad day is upon us. A day in which the trusty steed, the noble stallion, and the graceful horgi have all been put to rest. True, some may blame overzealous moderation. Nay! Others cry out: This joke has never been welcome. But I think I speak for all of us when I say that despite all the trials and tribulations of the last few threads, our joyous equestrian spirit will endure even if we can no longer admire the majesty and loyalty of our gentle equine brethren. With a heavy heart BYOND will pass into a new age, in which a new in-joke will inevitably see prominence, never quite filling the Clydesdale shaped hole that this passing has left in all of our hearts. Gentlemen, Ladies, Trolls, and confused visitors from the depths of Space Station 13's community, let us have a moment of silence for the passing of quite possibly the greatest era of BYOND history. Some will remember it with fondness and others disdain, but what BYONDer can argue that their life has not been undeniably altered by the glorious mane and gentle clip-clop of our equestrian cultural exchange?

Good night sweet prince, may your RIP in peace forever in our hearts and minds.