In response to RaeKwon
RaeKwon wrote:
ADDiCt wrote:
RaeKwon wrote:
SSJKaclis wrote:
Hehe you must be really nervous cuase your asking a buncha internet freaks on what to do. (No offense to all.) =D.

-= Kaclys =-

I must admit 70% of the people on the internet are no-life computer nerds, that never go out, or even think of asking a girl. But i'm giving those other 30% a chance to inform me on tips and strategies to asking her, I want to do this in person, so I can show that I actually want her. Doing something like this over Instant Message, letter, or phone, ain't good enough. Making an appearance in person shows her I might actually be worth something. All my other past-relationships started over the transcendent MSN Messenger, though, but they all had flaws. By now you must be thinking, this relationship, if it happens, would have it's flaws to. Probably alot less, since she has the same interests as me, and i'm asking her in person unlike alot of the other people she has gone out with.


Just go for it in person. If she's good for you and she thinks your good for her then just plunge in and everythin should go good. (Or just let the girl ask you, that's what my last girlfriend did.)

I'll probably ask her in person tommorow. My cousin told me if you ask the girl, she'll say no automatically because she knows you want her, and it turns her off, and to wait for the girl to come to you. I find, the girl waits for you to go to her, and you wait for her to come to you, nothing happens, one has to make the first move, I guess its me :)


Well Good luck!
In response to Jotdaniel
Somewhat, though Homeschooling does have its pluses, I miss hanging out with my friends and trying to get laid =D. Every weekend I get a chance to do this, but 2 days isnt enough! Maybe next year I can go back..

-= Kaclys =-
In response to RaeKwon
Being in the 30% here is a helpful hint. Once you see her (hmm whats the word, o well) pounce on her(lol). Once you get to know her more ask her out. It's kinda an obvious suggestion but it works.
Ask her "How much?"
In response to THE Brama Bull
Tried that before, got sued for sexual harrassment.
Take it slow man i have done that lol it aint easy believe me it took me a while to even talk to her but it was a succes go and ask her whats she's doing later and then if she aint doing anything ask her out thats when you make the move lol...i wish you the best of luck lol i hope you win her heart lol....
In response to Guildon321
He has sort of already done it buddy. This post is dated the 5th of January.
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