I had a toothache so went to the dentist >.< He said I might need a Root canal for it >.< but he also said I probly wont need my wisdom teeth to be pulled ^^ thats good news... he also cleaned my teeth.
My teeth are so clean I could eat off them...
![]() Jan 6 2003, 1:03 pm
![]() Jan 6 2003, 1:10 pm
...because I was having chest pains, I was thinking it was just chest congestion (I also have the cold right now)so I thought they'd just check me out real quick give me some industrial strength decongestant and tell me to go home...next thing I know I am in the cardiac care unit. I spent the first three days of this year in the hospital, I am thinking that this is going to be a great year!
A while ago. I was having vomit-inducing pains in my... erm... come to think of it, I'd rather not talk about it....
Yourself is a creepy old man that lives on 123 creepy lane and he like hands of boys. I will say no more.
...because I was "laid off" from my job at Wal*Mart...
Heh... This is the slow time of year in retail, and in the past, they usually just cut everyone's hours back (send people home early, schedule them for fewer hours, etc) and everyone complains... So this year, they're doing something different... They're terminating a handful of people to leave enough payroll to give everyone who's left enough hours... They call it "Workforce Reduction"... And I was one of those who got the axe... Their criteria for choosing who got canned was by going through those that have recent write ups in their file... And lucky me, I've got one from last September... The funny thing is, that it was pretty much only there as a token procedural gesture by my assistant manager because my department manager was complaining that I wasn't getting enough of her work finished...lol Even though it was I that covered 3 to 5 departments each night, catching all of the customer service for each, on top of helping other associates when asked, and doing special projects assigned by the managers daily... And I wasn't being productive enough because I wasn't getting her little list of notes finished in the meantime... And at the time, when I explained my position to the assistant manager, his explanation was one of "I know you work hard... but she was getting frustrated, and I had to do something... but don't worry, in 6 months, this will be taken out of your file and it'll be like nothing ever happened..." And 4 months later, it ended up costing me my job...lol And the store manager who handled my termination gave me a speech about having a really difficult time with letting me go, and that I was a really good worker, but he just had no other option... And that I was a victim of a misfortunate write-up... On top of that, he said that I'm eligible for re-hire (no doubt at starting pay and with starting benefits... no thank you...) and that if I applied elsewhere, he'd be more than happy to give me a great recommendation... So I'm left wondering why, if I'm such a good worker, am I getting the axe? B.S. if you ask me...lol I was about the 8th thus far that got it... They got rid of all of the temporary seasonal help, and then started in on the rest of us... Two of which had been there for 7 years... And what they didn't realize is that a LOT of the workers in that store are my friends... Most of the old ladies think of me as a son or grandson... In fact, I hear that a couple of them cried when they heard the news... Getting rid of me is a big knock to morale... Especially when no one feels secure in their own jobs there anymore... But oh well, their mistake...lol And I'm out of a job... So, I went to Unemployment today to file...and I'll be looking for a new job soon (even though not many places are hiring at this time of the year)... And for those of you that have read my recent philosophical ramblings about not letting anything become a problem in my life, and now think that maybe I've just gotten a taste of somthing too bad to handle and my outlook will change...think again... I posted that yesterday... I was fired Saturday afternoon...lol In fact, I think everyone else around me is hurt more by this than I am...lol Just thought I'd share... |
They're opening up a SuperTarger around here. I might drop by and see what I can get. I'm hoping to be a Video Games/Electronics Department salesman or something. At least 7 dollars an hour. If I can't get that, I'm gone or not even taking the damn job. Of course, I'm 15, lol.
Sorry about your job. I don't think Wal*Mart even pays that good, do they? |
Nope. Wal-Mart horribly exploits their workers and passes the savings on to you.
(Note that although I joke about this, I have no qualms about accepting those savings.) |
She is entirely correct...lol
Although I still maintain that the job itself was a really decent job compared to most other options available to me, and I was making $7.30/hour (after 5 years of work, though... not really that great...lol) their worker relations are horrible... Sales down? What's the first expense they cut? Payroll... Send people home, or in this case, fire people... What's that do? Cuts their expenses...but also makes sales drop even further because there are now not enough associates to run the place and keep up with customer service... Business gets worse because people get pissed off at not getting any help... But, payroll is the easiest expense to control... So that's what they go for... Regardless of the negative side effects... And actually, the longer Sam Walton has been dead, the worse things have gotten...lol So all in all, I'm not terribly happy about losing that job... But I'm also definitely not too broken up over it... I've said many times that I didn't plan on making it a career...lol And it seems that they've made the decision for me on when I should get out...lol |
$7.30/hour (after 5 years of work, though... See? See? This is why my favorite pair of boots cost less than $20. This why I can buy a two liter of soda for $0.50. |
Correct... And they've strayed a LONG way away from his original policies and way of doing things...
Theres a Sam's Club down the street from me, and Same Walton's picture is up on the wall, I think that was his as well.