Am I known to you guys as the community stoner? Just curious.
You're trying waaaaaay too hard.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
I knew that you'd be the one to reply :)
No, the only one that I know that smokes weed is *gasp*Rae.
In response to Sariat
-_- You didn't know that I smoke? Hrm...
OK, look. No one here would have any idea that you smoked marijuana if it weren't for the fact that you vigorously go around promoting on that fact, bordering on spam, even. Nor would anyone care about it, and I doubt anyone does care about it except for the fact that it means you go around plastering the forums with vanity posts. Are you truly so insecure in your identity as a person that, rather than being who you are, you have to go to such great lengths to adopt such a massively artificial, superficial persona (rhetorical question, of course)? The connotations of "stoner" aren't even positive ones--generally it's taken to mean not just "Someone who smokes weed", but "Someone who smokes weed and is really stupid about it." And yes, with your constant "Hey look! I smoke weed, yuk yuk!" attitude, you are being very stupid about it.
In response to Leftley
How does he sum it all up so nicely?
In response to Leftley
I know, I appologized for all that. But I still like my name.