the sig should load.


(original graphic has 'Destoyer of Zeta')

I guess that's better than a destroyer somehow? =)
In response to digitalmouse
hes gonna dester ya!
Could you please not use an image as a "signature"? Sometimes it can be quite destracting. Using text/ascii alternatives are okay, I believe

(such as:
Three problems:

1) You're using a bitmap, and that is pure evil to the power of two.
2) You're using a bitmap.
3) Yes, you're using a bitmap.
In response to Spuzzum
Dont people realize that a bitmap is about 150x or more times the size of a jpg? Its so easy to convert them over to jpg as well.
In response to Jotdaniel
Personally I'd try PNG for that image - JPG is good at compressing photos, but PNG is good at compressing blocks of colour. Besides, JPG uses lossy compression. =P