I don't care if you bring stuff up... just stop making stuff up.
(ive already stated that I dont make things up.. this is a play with words but an obvious insult directed at me. Im sorry your unable to see it, perhaps Im just quicker on the uptake)
Dareb wrote:
I dont make things up, I get information from other sources which arent completely reliable.
Usually, when I say things, they are collected ideas or (facts) amongst whole groups of people around where I live.
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
Well, at least you're admitting that your "facts" are nothing more than "something me and my friends came up with"... but amazingly enough, in the midst of this admission, you're still avoiding the issue.
In this case, when I told you to stop making stuff up, it was as opposed to bringing stuff up... that is, when you offered to stop bringing up the past, I was countering by saying you weren't bringing up the past at all, you were making it up... obviously referring to your casting the incident with the knife icons in the same light as outright piracy. So, exactly which one of your neighbors or acquaintances put you up to this one?
thats awefully condescending. which, last time i checked, classified as an insult. Again, sorry you cant see this. Amazing how awefully perceptive you are when it comes to what "I" say. but when its your partners or friends.. you act like it never happened. Cant stay blind forever....
People taking condescending tones, or writing in a condescending manner grates on my mind, whether its directed at me or someone near me.. nobody anywhere ,ever deserves this retarded display of false superiority.
Lesbian Assassin, you are no better than me. or anyone else on this forum.