![]() Jan 29 2003, 3:15 pm
In response to Dracon
"how about no"
Yup, that sounded like you, here is mine(by birth name because i like that name as much as my e-name)
Your name of Danial makes you quick-minded, versatile, and very expressive. You are adaptable and creative in responding to new situations. This name has given you an interest in people and a desire for new experiences. You have the ability to create a favourable first impression, and so you could do well in the fields of sales promotion or entertainment. The use of this name creates a lack of stability in your affairs as it inclines you to procrastinate. It spoils patience and weakens your stand in matters of principle. You are inclined to do whatever is expedient in order to avoid facing issues. You could suffer bitter experiences through attracting wrong types of association and can be drawn into circumstances involving you in unwise situations. Weakness in your health would come through emotional disturbances and tension affecting the nervous system. Nervous indigestion and disorders in the fluid functions could result. And ill throw in my e-name reading, The name of Scoobert has made you rather reserved and, at times, secretive about your personal affairs. As a result, people find it difficult to understand you and you suffer through loneliness. You are interested in understanding life along scientific, religious, and philosophical lines. Also, you derive much enjoyment from reading and from being out in nature. At times, you find it easier to express your thoughts in writing, rather than verbally. You are astute regarding the value of money, have good business judgment, and can drive a hard bargain if such is required. This name has not allowed you to express fully the softer, more spontaneous qualities of your nature because of its practical business attributes. You are matter-of-fact in your attitude to things, not easily swayed by others, nor overly compassionate to the suffering of others. You are an ambitious person, have expensive tastes, appreciate quality in all things, and desire to have the best money can buy. You are inclined to judge things according to their material value. Weaknesses in the health through the use of this name could affect the heart or bronchial organs, or cause problems relative to the generative organs. This one was a little more off, but not tarible, i dont like to read or write, but i like nature and expencive stuff. |
I think all the responses to this thread are missing a very important central point: we, as a society, are responisble for perpetuating an unimaginable amount of pain and suffering through the naming of our children!
Pick 20 different first names at random from the phone book and enter them. Nine out of ten of them have characteristics that undermine the bearer's long-term happiness in life, and most of the lucky minority that have no such flaws in their first name are cautioned that their surnames may cause them the same loss of happiness! Yet many popular and widely circulated lists of names and name meanings intended to help parents name their children have failed to mention the massive uncomfort that children will suffer from virtually every name in the book! Here's a fun exercise: run the name Alfred through this thing. Draw what conclusions you will. |
lol, i realized this when my dad's name and my brothers' name got the same thing(although they both ACT the same, lol)
Your first name of DUNG makes you spontaneous and versatile, enjoying congenial association, appreciating the finer things of life, and loving to talk and debate. You are strong willed and self-sufficient, not depending on others for encouragement. Your desire for independence and freedom means that you seldom tolerate limitations. Although you are naturally happy and generous, you fail to hold friendships because you are inclined to be too dogmatic, argumentative, or sarcastic. In an argument, you usually emerge the victor, but at a cost. Physical weaknesses centre in the head. The eyes, ears, teeth, or sinuses could be affected, or you could experience loss of hair. Skin problems such as acne or eczema could also appear.
Your name of Mofo has given you a desire for self-expression and for positions that allow contact with people, free from the restrictions and monotony into which you are often drawn. Although you desire to be spontaneous and natural, you are often drawn into technical and methodical lines of endeavour and the incidentals of life. You are friendly by nature, but you cannot enjoy complete ease in association because of a difficulty in expressing yourself. While you can be exacting and thorough in whatever you decide to undertake, and desire to keep a well-ordered life with everything in its place, it is not easy for you to maintain the system and order you would like. There is conflict between your desires and your expression which does not allow scope for your capabilities. This lack of fulfilment of your deeper qualities tends to create repression and frustration. You enjoy sweet, rich foods, as well as meat and starches, and any indulgence would create skin disorders or possible intestinal trouble or growths. Yay! DUNG and Mofo both turn up results that match me! |
It must be based on positions of vowels, then...
Lex(y) Ken Ben Mel and Led all have the same output. The position of vowels must be the primary concern. |
I've read a study of last names that determine that English-speaking people whose last names has an obvious meaning in English tend to gravitate to positions in life that relate to that meaning, either for or against... someone named Hamburger will either work in fast food or meat packing, or will be a vegetarian or animal rights activist... things like that.
I've also read studies of men (yes, specifically men) whose initials spell things... ASS or RAT compared to ACE and GOD, for instance. It revealed that those with complimentary initials lived longer, on average, then those with insulting ones. So yes, names have an impact. That much is going to be obvious to anyone with common sense and it can be verified with empirical evidence. If you think that this Kabalarian thing is anything more than a parlor trick elevated to the level of fine scamery, though... well... I understand where you're coming from. You've got a kid on the way. You have to pick a name that will stay with them for life. Tough choice. Tell you what... give me $5, and I will send you a list of 10 names that do not rhyme with any part of the human body. You can't do better than that. |
Maybe somebody will DEC you one, and you'll die. Or maybe you'll DEC all your enemies to death, living a happy, fulfilling life. Who knows?
jui jitsu classes, ballet and eventually yoga.. my child, male or female wont have to worry about bullies. My concern would be my child being the bully.
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
I've read a study of last names that determine that English-speaking people whose last names has an obvious meaning in English tend to gravitate to positions in life that relate to that meaning, either for or against... someone named Hamburger will either work in fast food or meat packing, or will be a vegetarian or animal rights activist... things like that. I wonder how big that percentage is? It's only peoples limited thinking and imagination that creates situations like that. Names might have an impact as you say, but if people can't elevate themselves above those name-imposed situations, they need to do some serious thinking. /Gazoot |
Jotdaniel wrote:
my initials spell DEC(sounds like deck) so what is that gonna do to(for) me? Before it was bought by Compaq, DEC was Digital Equipment Corporation, makers of the VMS (now OpenVMS) operating system and the VAX and PDP mainframes. I still work on them today, though every year there's a little less VAX work and a little more PC work. Which is okay, but VMS is a good reliable operating system. Also consider this riddle: Q. Why do programmers confuse Halloween and Christmas? A. Because OCT 31 = DEC 25. [Octal 31, or (3 * 8) + 1 = Decimal 25, or (2 * 10) + 5.] |
It's only peoples limited thinking and imagination that creates situations like that. Names might have an impact as you say, but if people can't elevate themselves above those name-imposed situations, they need to do some serious thinking. I totally agree. Did I mention that in these studies, it was found that names have a disproportionately high impact on men, compared to women? In most cases, the impact of women's initials or names was found to be statistically insignificant. :P |
Heres mine for Lee.
Your first name of Lee has given you a very practical, hard-working, systematic nature. Your interests are focused on technical, mechanical, and scientific things, to the exclusion of interests of an artistic, musical, or social nature. You have a rather skeptical outlook on life and rather materialistic standards. In reaching your goals, you are very independent and resourceful, patient and determined. You can be so very positive and definite in your own ideas and opinions that others sense a lack of tact and friendliness in your manner of expression. You are inclined to be rather demanding and self-centred in your personal wants, and your own desires can be so overriding that you fail to recognize or appreciate the feelings, opinions, or desires of others. As a consequence, difficulties in relations within the family or with close associates can arise. Weaknesses in the health centre in the head, and in the stomach and intestinal organs. While the first name of Lee has some constructive qualities, it has characteristics that undermine your long-term happiness and success in life. |