![]() Jan 29 2003, 4:56 pm
In response to Dracon
I hope you are joking.
Good thing Dubya would never want to join the community. He'd flunk the IQ test. He actually has a IQ of around 80. But thats not the point. IQ isn't actually all that much of an indicator. And that show where they "IQ tested" people? BS. A IQ test has to be set up according to age. Within about three months, in fact.
Actually Yea Matter a fact I read that too. So I bought Norton and checked some how it had a Trojant on it. Dont ask me how it got there but that kinda scares me. Maybe I should get a fire wall or somthing.
It scares me how easy this truly is. All you have to do is be able to notice patterns in numbers.
I spent the last 2 hours ripping the icons out of DWO (sorry silk) and then I started taking the midi files and then the .wav files. It was probably as easy as opening their project in Dream Maker and exporting them into another file. This really scares me, and I feel so unprotected... and powerful, now anything I touch on the HUB is not safe from my wrath, of course, I have a concience, so that could trip my wrath up a bit! Anyway, all I 'm saying is: It's insanely easy, and insanely dangerous if you don't know what you are doing... like giving a monkey a hand grenade, easy and dangerous. anyway, giving a 12-year-old/(Dragon-baller)/(newbie) a hex editor and your prized .RSC file, and expecting him/her to not take your file apart, rather marvel at the spiffy icons and then get online and play hedgerow hall when they get bored of it, is the equivalent of a monkey with a barrel of hand grenades! PLEASE FOLKS! STOP THIS THREAD! I learned how to do this just by reading Lummox's post! Someone delete this entire thread for the sake of BYOND! (Then again, how many newbies read the forums, for the most part they just sit there and click on their punching bags.) (I'm not insulting all newbies, what I mean by newbies are those who have no morals, no understanding of intellectual copywright, no respect for the gurus, no respect for anyone else, and only want to raise thier PL/EXP) I respect Novice Programmers, not newbie, a Novice Programmer is a person New to BYOND and knows their place in the society. |
I wounder if the next byond update will include encryption for the dmi files. I hope give me somthing better to crack :) *Crosses fingers*
Jp wrote:
Good thing Dubya would never want to join the community. He'd flunk the IQ test. He actually has a IQ of around 80. But thats not the point. IQ isn't actually all that much of an indicator. And that show where they "IQ tested" people? BS. A IQ test has to be set up according to age. Within about three months, in fact. I think it's hilarious that you understand enough about IQ to know that IQ tests are calibrated by age and that IQ test shows are BS but you believe the number that originated not from any test at all but from an internet forward that claims to have rated presidential IQs based on the contents of their speeches (and when was the last time you suppose an American president delivered a speech of his own words?) Not that I'm defending Dubya's intelligence. I just know his IQ is not 80. |
[sarcasm] First off, I'd like to thank Ter13 for explaining in great detail how to rip icons from BYONDs .rsc files, and then trying to get the moderators to delete the topic after exploting it [/sarcasm]
Well, knowing that people will go that low to steal icons, I refuse to publically release any of my games until Dantom adds higher security measures. I know it'd almost be impossible for one to make it completely safe, but I need some assurability that my icons I create will be safe (although there always is that [sarcasm]sneaky[/sarcasm] PrintScreen. =P) -Chris |
Well, knowing that people will go that low to steal icons, I refuse to publically release any of my games until Dantom adds higher security measures. I can't begin to tell you how happy that makes me. :P Anyway, there's nothing that really can be done... the icons must be stored in a readable format or they become useless for the game. If it's more important to you to know that no one anywhere is illicitly taking advantage of your creation then it is to know that legitimate users are enjoying it, then the only thing you can do is destroy the creation outright or bury it so deeply it never sees the light of day. It doesn't matter if we're talking about games, movies, books, or songs: if you make it accessible, people will access it... if you don't, then no one will ever see it. |
Do you suppose that people might be inclined to disrespect others' intellectual property rights in regards to small-scale projects made by school-age kids in part due to the prevailing mindset that it is perfectly OK to appropriate concepts, art, and sound effects wholesale from huge commercial projects whose success is responsible for the continued welfare of thousands of employees over all the companies involved in its chain of production?
Whew! Long sentence. (Disclaimer: No, there's no real meaning behind my choice in whose post to respond to with this; I've been meaning to post this basically ever since this thread started, and this post here seemed like a better place to hang it than on Ter13's more hysterical rant.) |
Ter13 wrote:
(I'm not insulting all newbies, what I mean by newbies are those who have no morals, no understanding of intellectual copywright, no respect for the gurus, no respect for anyone else, and only want to raise thier PL/EXP) I respect Novice Programmers, not newbie, a Novice Programmer is a person New to BYOND and knows their place in the society. I still classify myself as a newbie programmer, although I have been here a while and made a tutorial. Had one game released which was loved and have another game underway which people say is pretty nifty. I do get alot of gratitude for my work from some people, but still, all-in-all, I still classify myself as a newbie. Anyway, about this IQ test thing Dracon pointed out. Why have people with an IQ of 100+? It is not as though people would be nice and all, for all you know people with IQ at 120+ could be worse than that of people with IQ at 80- I am not that bright myself when push comes to pull. I wouldn't say I had an IQ at 100 or more in some cases. Although I do say I would have a smallish IQ, I don't act so dumb in some cases. One of my mates who took an IQ test reached 63. He wasn't all that smart, although, if you knew him you would have thought he would have a higer IQ. Why? He has a low IQ, although he is a very decent person. Yes, he has a low IQ, doesn't necessarily mean he will be a tit because of it. I know a few people with IQs at over 110 who act more stupid and prickish than what he does. To the point of .rsc hacking, why bring it up? This actual topic/thread may cause more people to revolt to hacking into .rsc files now more than ever, all just to get images/icons that are decent for their little snapped up projects. So if I had to say something decent here I would have to say this; This thread has more than likely given multiple people the oppertunity of a lifetime to steal/take images they love for their games, which may have caused others money for. IE; Someone may now be able to breach the .rsc file of EoE and take most of the images their which only some are used on the mapping for now... But they cost me $30. Anyway, I babbled enough. --Lee |
Way way back when I first became an active member of the forums in byond I kept myself very vocal about not letting others host the games you create.
It adds more value to a game to have a single server. a single world. It gives more sense of accomplishment in the game. It allows the game to be more fun. After all, its not hurting anyone to NOT allow them to host their own server. In fact it adds control which is one step closer to preventing harrasment in Byond games. |
If you think about it, even the big comercial games usually have their graphics in easily accessable places. Some of them even make them plainly available in organized directories so that their players can modify the game's graphics however they want.
Some people decide that it's fun to "steal" those graphics and use them for their own games. For some other reason, those big companies don't generalyl care. Unless they're marketting a game that uses their game's graphics, there's no reason for them to care. It's just some kids making games for each other using whatever graphics they can get their hands on. Let them have it. If they start stealing and selling your graphics, either directly or indirectly by including them in a game that they're selling, then contact them and ask them to stop, and if they refuse, contact Dantom and have them closed down and removed. |
Dareb wrote:
Way way back when I first became an active member of the forums in byond I kept myself very vocal about not letting others host the games you create. And it cuts down on opportunities to play the game, shutting out people in some time zones entirely. For a game to be popular it needs to be hostable by others or have a regular host at all times. After all, its not hurting anyone to NOT allow them to host their own server. In fact it adds control which is one step closer to preventing harrasment in Byond games. It does add control all right, but I have a hard time seeing how this has anything to do with harassment. It would of course prevent abusive hosts from causing problems, but bad hosts can be avoided if your game says in its world.status line who the host is. (BYOND should be set up to do that anyway.) Still, an abusive host is not the same as harassment. In fact I submit that the most harassment comes from people begging a game's creator or most popular host to put up the game for a while. People often asked me to put up Incursion befroe it was released, and even after Scream of the Stickster was released people still ask me to host it. Since I started hosting Lode Wars on occasion, I got frequent appeals to put it up again (even late at night). And I know this isn't uncommon for others, either; heck, I've been on the end begging for someone to host a game. Lummox JR |
I feel your refering to IQ in the wrong manner here Lee. IQ is so much an muesure of how intelligent you act, but a muesure of your capacity to learn. You may be very immature and act very unintelligent, yet have an amazingly high IQ.