I'm 15

How old are you? ^_^

I'm 16.
In response to Jotdaniel
Im 16
In response to Scoobert
15 turning 16 in may!
HOW old am i?
In response to Siientx
me too
In response to Codesterz
In response to Dago
how old r u 40
My Identity says I'm 26. That may or may not be true. On the internet, one can never tell. (As I was just discussing with AbyssDragon in Chatters.)
22 and counting...
To answer your question kyle, I would be about "Brittany Spears" old give or take a few years. *I believe she is around 19 and I am 18, but correct me if I am wrong all you Brittany fans out there. :-)* Just remember kids, the moral of today's story is "plastic makes it -larger- possible."

ahhh, yungins.
In response to Codesterz
21 turning 22 in may due to be a 22 yr old father in august
In response to Dago
Old people are good. BYOND isn't meant to be a youngin's only tool.
In response to Triste
Triste wrote:
Old people are good. BYOND isn't meant to be a youngin's only tool.

It's meant to be a youngin's dream.

In response to RaeKwon
No, it's meant to be an easy way to build online applications.

Even if it evolved from a youngin's dream.
In response to Triste
Triste wrote:
No, it's meant to be an easy way to build online applications.

Even if it evolved from a youngin's dream.

It's also mean't for youngin's to play games. Which is a youngin's dream.

In response to RaeKwon
RaeKwon wrote:
It's also mean't for youngin's to play games. Which is a youngin's dream.

BYOND can build a lot more than games, but sadly no one takes advantage of that.
In response to Triste
Triste wrote:
RaeKwon wrote:
It's also mean't for youngin's to play games. Which is a youngin's dream.

BYOND can build a lot more than games, but sadly no one takes advantage of that.

Yes. But BYOND is full of youngin's, which makes it a youngin's dream =)

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