I just thought of the problems this will cause so let me just delete

And i'm sorry if anyone was offened, I tell you, rap these days has warped my mind!

Yousa' sucka!

<font color=silver> $$$><><$Branks$><><$$$
Just to note, I seriously had nothing to do with this. He is referring to me as ken but I really dont have a problem with anyone here, lol. Also, I do not use any drugs so I have no clue where this concept came about. The little eminem wannabe :-p...

Nothing like two wigger-rapper-wanna-be-wanna-bes trying to rap about Lexy... I tell you...

In response to NeoHaxor
Good. I knew that wasn't in your nature, Ken. lol
I seriously hope you were calling her Lexy (B)bitch, as in her old key name.
