People have been insulting you since the beginning of your existence. If you can't handle it, change your key and your attitude along with it, and be determined to be someone else. Otherwise people will continue insulting you while they find reason to do so.

If you can't handle that, learn to ignore it.
RaeKwon wrote:
[Edit] I heard it's because they think I make my ego to high. Hows that? I would like the community to come front right now, Everyone, and proclaim there problems they have with me. I'm tired of people talking behind my back, even "freinds," from now on, tell me you're problem, don't tell others. I'm tired of it. [/Edit]

Well, you asked for it:

1)You constantly get mad because some person that you don't even know in real life insults you and you swear you are leaving BYOND forever; Then you make a new key and then like 2 days later, you are back to using your old key and apologize just to do it all again the next month or so.

2)You have been constantly posting on the forums about who owns Zeta, like it really makes a difference. Whether you own Zeta or not all the rips are gonna be their, and people will still be saying "I have all rights to it".

3)You have taken many ideas from other games and then have the nerve to complain when someone takes those ideas from you.

Thats all I gotta say...{I can't wait till Sariat logs}

In response to Stimulus
Stimulus wrote:

Well, you asked for it:

1)You constantly get mad because some person that you don't even know in real life insults you and you swear you are leaving BYOND forever; Then you make a new key and then like 2 days later, you are back to using your old key and apologize just to do it all again the next month or so.

They should apologize to him for their attitude, hes just being human, to say you would never act this way is an absolute lie, simply because you dont feel as strongly about the internet and its impact on some people is no grounds for argument.
2)You have been constantly posting on the forums about who owns Zeta, like it really makes a difference. Whether you own Zeta or not all the rips are gonna be their, and people will still be saying "I have all rights to it".

I agree he shouldnt keep bringing this topic up, its settled. He owns it and nobody else has the right to use the code.

3)You have taken many ideas from other games and then have the nerve to complain when someone takes those ideas from you.

Ive seen Raekwon design many games, all he has ever done is view how code is used then rewrites it into a way he can understand and incorporates his own ideas of game design. nobody owns how a person may train, or mine.. these things cannot be owned by anyone.
Thats all I gotta say...{I can't wait till Sariat logs}

you actually encourage him?
In response to Triste
ah, cool.. so theres a reason behind insulting now.. and apparently those reasons justify unacceptable actions. thats a .......different outlook on life.. you must have a very ........colorful existance.
In response to Scoobert
ah, the obsession with reputation, a childish thing..

grow up.
In response to Dareb
No its not, its a good way to make sure you dont get screwed over in life, and to make people work hard to act good, nothing childish about it.
In response to Scoobert
it also causes wars and starts fights, reputation is an old way. in this society it should be killed.

I dont live by reputation. My decisions are unphased by other peoples opinions of others. in fact ive already backhanded a few friends and family members for taking that childish crap too far.

I believe that we should make individual decisions based on how we interact with eachother, not how another interacts with our friends.

In response to Dareb
There's always a reason behind insults, even if its just that the other person doesn't like you. I'd find it odd if anyone insults other people without a reason.

However, I never said those reasons made insults acceptable. They just make them happen. Try not to read into my posts, please.
In response to OneFishDown
in the "wheres that wise-cracking BYOND community clown been? oh well." sense
Can't we all just get along? =P
In response to Ghaleon
The flame war has begun..Blah.
In response to Hanns
*wads up a newspaper and sets it on fire*
Flames!! Flames!! Mwa hahahah!
*dances around like a savage indian*

...ok that was stupid. I'm really hyper and I don't have anything to do.
In response to Ghaleon
fight against a galley or a frigate.

and only in the sense of ships.. your one of the best to be full of crap ;)
In response to Dareb
I is thinking we should stop being icky to each other because without resepta we can not be friends, now really all of you people, stop acting like little kids and just dont give a dam about whether Rae made something and take into account how cool is.
In response to Dareb
Feel like flaming? Take it to Chatters! (Banner by Crispy)
In response to Crispy
In response to Hanns
Hanns wrote:
Please halt this thread before it erupts into a major flame war. Thank you.

Too Late!
How nice. An open invitation to flame you.
Take it somewhere its allowed.

Thank you,
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