Me and a few "friends" were at my house yesterday, and we couldn't think of anything to do. Sooooo We ended up dressing up as Super Heros! and marching around outside, terrorising little children (Untill they reilized there was 10 of them and 4 of us of cource). Anyway we ended up walking down to the local skating rink in these costumes (I was "socko" a superhero with a black balclava and a giant sock on my head, and a blues clues blanket as a cape, and errm nevermind), And we went inside and basicially caused choas, it was hillarious!! Just to see 4 weird people in costumes running around a rink knocking people over and jumping off things and all. Just thought I would share that because I was bored, cya
No animals were hurt in the proccess of doing this.... thing.
Feb 5 2003, 7:13 pm (Edited on Feb 5 2003, 7:27 pm)
In response to Gughunter
We do that, too! Except it's way safer to have the paper sitting on a brick, that itself is sitting on a snow bank, except one time my friend lit his snow board "leash" strap on fire, and had to buy a new one.
For some reason it reminds me of the "Nuclear Attack" game my friends and I played in high school. One of them had a brick patio, and we laid a piece of paper on it and took turns lighting matches and throwing them at the paper. The person who set the paper on fire (i.e., scored a successful nuclear strike) was the winner. If I remember right, none of us actually managed to do more than scorch the paper.
DISCLAIMER: As previously mentioned, this was on a non-flammable brick patio. I cannot assume liability for any damages resulting from others playing this game. Any fires resulting from the "Nuclear Attack" game are the responsibility of the players. Anyone who actually starts a fire in this manner probably deserves a whuppin'.