In response to Leftley
Leftley wrote:
Nope; Canada is descended in no way from the U.S. It's actually Britain's child nation by France, although it was a stormy relationship and custody was awarded to the U.K. in the divorce proceedings. Technically it's the United States' half-brother, not son.

A fair portion of the Canadian population was originally "American", however -- during the War for American Independence, the Tories were forced to head north, as they faced persecution or death if they remained. (I don't blame the American people for rebelling against the Empire, myself. But, as with any war, there are always atrocities that should never have been committed. Canadian peacekeepers were scandalized for raping Bosnian women, American soldiers were scandalized in many instances for acts of friendly fire (or misdirected fire at civilians), German troops agreed to uphold the Nazi fundamentals, the English conquered the Scots and Celts in a thoroughly unwholesome manner, French soldiers took a paranoiac philosophy after the 100 Years War and executed thousands, etc. etc.)

Most of the population was originally British or French, however.

Here on the coast of B.C., more of the population is American in origin than British, however -- B.C. is largely the result of settlers from the Gold Rush days. (We never got to the point of having a wild west up here, though -- the Mounties escorted Americans with guns back over the border.)
In response to CalmStorm
CalmStorm wrote:
One thing I don't like is that some people turn it around and then say"Yeah, Americans are jerks"

That's racism right back!

As was brought up before, it's not racism, it's discrimination. (Contrary to what was brought up before, it's not nationalism: nationalism is a philosophy that nations function best when cordoned off from other nations.) Racism is persecution of someone because of their skin colour and physiological origins. Canadians on the average are exactly the same as Americans -- Caucasian -- so it stands to reason that there is very little opportunity for racism to make sense there.

Anyway, I personally am jealous of the Canadians...I think that Americans are picked on a lot=P

That's mainly because American capitalism is far more aggressive than Canadian capitalism, and it has made many enemies across the globe. Canadians also have a lesser focus on religion. Those probably contributed to why all we received from the terrorist war machine was a few anthrax letters.

I think Canada works largely under my philosophy -- if you stay quiet, no one will notice you. Unfortunately, that's both a good and a bad philosophy. For Canada, it's good when someone wants to pick on it, bad when it wants someone (namely, the U.S.) to treat it with respect. For me, it's good when someone wants to pick on me, bad when I'm attracted to a girl. ;-P

I just think that Canada is cool...besides, how could you hate someone because they were born/live somewhere else? Just laugh with them, because although all humans have about the same size brain(and NEVER different just because of country)you know that that person uses only about half=P

The size of a human brain doesn't determine intelligence, however. ;-)
In response to Spuzzum
I think Canada works largely under my philosophy -- if you stay quiet, no one will notice you. Unfortunately, that's both a good and a bad philosophy. For Canada, it's good when someone wants to pick on it, bad when it wants someone (namely, the U.S.) to treat it with respect. For me, it's good when someone wants to pick on me, bad when I'm attracted to a girl. ;-P

You are considering ALL of the US...which really: The US is just a plot of land....I personally like Canada and it's people...The President may not PERSONALLY like Canada, but we are allies and hold THE LONGEST undefended border IN THE WORLD with Canada. That is...amazing.

What's this got to do with the price of tea in China? Well...all too often we don't clearly say "Most Americans"..."America's Government"..."A few of thems". We usually just put our name on the paper, even if one other person helped us on paragraph two...

Racism, discrimination, extremism, radicalism...all of it is started by something that is different-something that is forgotten, or not taken into account. This was all brought about by laziness and greed, which lead to the opposite of moral and ethical ways. It's all pretty dang wrong...and I know that I like anyone just the same when I look at them, but that could change if I get to know them=P

In response to CalmStorm
Just laugh with them, because although all humans have about the same size brain(and NEVER different just because of country)you know that that person uses only about half=P

Not true. I have, after long years of mental preparation, found the secret to unlocking the full potential of my brain: I had the unused portion surgically removed so I can use it as a paperweight. Now I can use 100% of my mind!
In response to Leftley
Not true. I have, after long years of mental preparation, found the secret to unlocking the full potential of my brain: I had the unused portion surgically removed so I can use it as a paperweight. Now I can use 100% of my mind!

Ah, so *that's* why it's so hard to convince you to add my ideas for Lode Wars -- you don't have enough space to store the new information!
In response to DerDragon
Ok, I know this is a lil' mooshy or sometin, but just consider this note. What is Racism, for we are but one race, the Human race, therefor racism no longer is to be, we are simply then showing that we are lower than the victim if we blurt out nasty comments and such.
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