i just saw a mod say it, and i don't know what it is
KitKate20 wrote:
i just saw a mod say it, and i don't know what it is

It's when you post the same thing to more than one forum. It's a term that's used often on newsgroups, where people sometimes post something to multiple groups. That can be okay in limited circumstances in newsgroups, since it's not uncommon for someone to read just one group. However on these forums it's a nuisance.

Lummox JR
Cross posting is when someone posts the same message in more than one forum at the same time...

Like someone asking for help on a battle system in Newbie Central, Code Problems, and Design Philosophy all at once...

They prefer that people only post a topic once, in one forum... Anymore, and it's just wasting space... So, they usually delete the extras and warn the poster for cross posting...