Game with similar applications as a regular Icon trading game.. However.. turn it into a card game..

Each person logs in and makes a character.. they start out with a deck of cards, simple cards.. They create icons and submit them.. People vote and rate the cards appearance and the computer generates statistics for the card based on the ratings. The card is authenticated and that person receives a new card.

There would be different rooms, chat room.. several duel rooms, and a few tournament rooms.

Game would operate like magic the gathering, only nobody is truly required to ever enter combat.

Before people are ready to play, they will have their collection and must make a deck or several decks to select from. 20-40-60 cards available in one deck, depending on the game settings.

If nobody rates for a created card, the computer rates it randomly these can become defense, effect, creature, or power cards.

Play around with that idea for a bit, im sure it would make an excellent byond game.

Try to host it like spacetug was.