i am trying to find a gm code cause the codes that i find dont work and if u can help tell meh.
vat/list/GMS = list("Siientx","You here")//Make a list of GMS.

mob//for a player.
Login()//when they connect to the game.
..()//Do everything like normal. and prevent a black screen.
world <<"[usr] logs."//Tell everyone they login.
if(GMS.Find(src.key))//if they find the player's key in the GMS list.
src.verbs += /mob/proc/boot//add a boot verb.
//add more verbs here.
else//if they didn't find the key in the list.
return//do nothing. Or make your own.

mob//for a player
proc//make a new proc. Like a dead verb. which is revived by "Calling" it.
boot(mob/M in world)//Name the verb boot and add (mob/M in world) meaning you pick what player.
if(!M.client)//if their without a client. their not player.
src <<"There not player."//Tell the player their not a player.
else//If there not.
world <<"[M] has been booted by [usr]."//Tell the world before booting M. so that you see their name.
del M//Del em from the world. Or better yet. BOOT EM!

BlazingDragoon wrote:
i am trying to find a gm code cause the codes that i find dont work and if u can help tell meh.

I found a really good GM library, its perfect. I paged meh about it, but he wasn't online.