Whats the weirdnest combination you've did with food? Like have you ever made pepperoni cheese popcorn burgers. Whats your wackyest combination of food?

Mine would have to be..Peanut butter and jelly cheese sandwhiches.

French Fries in ice cream :D t was good!
Peanut butter and pickle sandwich on toasted wheat with just a hint of butter on it...

:: drools ::
Macaroni and cheese with chile and chile/cheese fritos in it, it was really good actually :)
Rice and mango. (Yes, mango.) It's quite tasty. =)
In response to Crispy
Indeed. Mango fried rice is one of the most popular dishes at this thai restaurant I go to.

Pickled Egg Salad and Ice cream
In response to Dareb

Little Packets of Coffee Cream and Sugar. perfect way to see how well your food digests (or see it in the age of digesting)
When I was very young I made a hobbie out of this...

The most would have to be a hamburger stuffed into an orange juice carton mixed with apple sauce, french fries, tortilla chips, mustard, ketchup, mayo, chocolate milk, ham, string cheese, and topped off with a hint of melted cheese I found off the floor. And yes, I ate it.

As you see, when I was young I thought this was fun :-\
In response to Kunark
Sounds like the crap wed make with the school lunches back in jr. high. (no we didnt eat it)
In response to Jotdaniel
It was school lunches... But I was 7 and in Elementary.
In response to Kunark
I was always fond of the mashed potatoe and gravy inside roll bombs. Those were fun.
In response to Jotdaniel
Our elemetary school sucked. They would have two people walking around monitoring us. and then we had a table called, "The Silent table". If you got in trouble you went there. Of course when i went there it was the "Siient table". >=P

In response to Choy Li Fut
Thats not strange at all, in fact down in Texas we call it a Frito Pie :). It is even served at my school once a week.

In response to Kusanagi
Ohh. Nice. i'll have to make one of those. =P

In response to Siientx
My jr high had silent time. Lol, they wouldnt let us get our lunch till everyone was completely silent. Then we went to alphabetical seating(which failed miserably). It was a crappy school, I hope it burns in HFIL for all eternity.
In response to Jotdaniel
We have "silent lunch", which your moved to an empty table during lunch and must clean up the cafeteria once lunch is over. We also get a 15 minute snack break in the morning, where we can buy snacks, get our pre-lunch class books, and talk. That opens up for a silent snack punishment. If you get 4 silent lunches you get detention(Hosted every Friday for an hour after school, 2:05 - 3:05, we get off early on Fridays.). Then 3 detentions is an N on your report card which is almost equivalent to an F in conduct terms. I'v so far have had 2 detentions, some people I know have it for the rest of the semester though!

In response to Kusanagi
We had silent lunch as well, except they tried to make 300 kids completely silent for 45 mins. Aint gonna happen.
In response to Jotdaniel
It's no problem for my school, heck we only have 500 kids in the entire school :), around 200 of which are Jr. High students. Usually we get about 3 - 20 kids in silent lunch, no problem for the staff to keep us under control. What I hate about my school is that even though it is so small, they feel like they have to punish everyone as a group when something is spilt in the cafeteria, and they very well know who it is that did it. On Friday someone had spilled some yogurt and another person dropped their cherry coke can, and they told the silent lunch people to clean it up but they just left it there. Now we all have silent lunch on Monday because of it.

In response to Kusanagi
Kusanagi wrote:
no problem for the staff to keep us under control.

Hehe, there's about 2800 kids in my school. Thats roughly 1400 juniors and seniors eating in one cafeteria, split over 4 lunches. That's 350 kids in one lunch. some of the time they catch people throwing food, some of the time they catch it on camera, but most of the time they have no clue >=D
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