In response to AERProductions
AERProductions wrote:
I don't really care about money and I am not doing it for money so that is why I just settled with it being free for now (I don't want to have to pay taxes, thus I don't want an income, haha).

I see, do you need to pay taxes if you're a Sole Trader earning under a certain amount in America?
In response to A.T.H.K
A.T.H.K wrote:
AERProductions wrote:
I don't really care about money and I am not doing it for money so that is why I just settled with it being free for now (I don't want to have to pay taxes, thus I don't want an income, haha).

I see, do you need to pay taxes if you're a Sole Trader earning under a certain amount in America?

The amount that you can earn on a yearly basis and *not* pay taxes in the U.S. isn't enough to stay alive (You try to live on $600 a year, not happening).
Basically, I still live with my family and I would rather expire than join society (which is why I must release my project asap). :)
In response to AERProductions
i know i am going to remove it
Just an update for the Skirmites who happen by. The party system is nearly complete! (: There will be testing to be done!
You try to live on $600 a year, not happening

$10,500. Also, I only pay taxes on a tiny fraction of my income. Most of my income is from entitlements related to Veterans' grants and programs. There are ways to not pay taxes and still earn enough to survive. Completely legally.
If you want to learn how to make money without paying tax then get a job at Google.
Or become a priest.
In response to Doohl
yea you can save money from not having a wife, and use the church's assets to fulfill your needs.... (cough cough little boys)
this got random
In response to Alienx26
It got random, then it got disturbing.
Really I just don't belong in this society or maybe even this realm.

I have no desire to work to make money.
In response to AERProductions
Than live off the grid man. Do what humans were genetical made to do. Hunt and eat and sleep
In response to AERProductions
you probaly dont have the desire to work with money cause your a teenager maybe or a adult who still lives with their parents
This is probably not a discussion for this topic and one that has the possibility to get pretty heated.
In response to AERProductions
Are you by chance a dragon-kin? Or apache attack helicopter-kin?

Heh, that cracked me up. The chorus lyrics could have been a lot closer, but the climax of the song had me rolling.

Still a lot of polishing to do but Skirmish has a functioning party system now(i only allowed self-recruiting for testing). By default you can have up to four party members but you can unlock additional party slots by means yet to be determined.

Party slots on the hud stack along the right side and display health for each party member. If there's something else I should display, let me know.

As for what playing as a party does for gameplay, I'm still working on that. So far Support Wisps will heal any nearby party members as well as its main companion(something I'm yet to test but there's no reason for it not to work). I may add the possibility to be revived upon death if a party member can get to you in ~10 seconds. I'm open to ideas here. *coughyuttycough*

Ignore the debug text and I'll add borders to the party member's name.
In response to Kumorii
looking good
In response to Kumorii
How do you handle dropping out of a party? Does the party disband if the party owner leaves?
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