Well here i am in Egypt, its the last day of my 5 day scuba diving trip, anyone else in a strange place?

p.s. May Horus Protect you ;)
Every Hour.. of Every Day
I'm at your house stealing your stuff HAHAHAHAHA. OoOoOo, what a nice computer...
Spoon wrote:
Well here i am in Egypt, its the last day of my 5 day scuba diving trip, anyone else in a strange place?

I'm in Akron, home of rubber tires and polymer science, Alcoholics Anonymous, and professional bowling. And home of me, of course. If that doesn't count for strange, I don't know what does.
Woo hoo. Way to go Spoon. Check in to Hiddenworld some time. We're all on level 2 now. ;]

In response to Dareb
Well i'm heading home today... see you all on wednesday.
A Kwik Kwestion for Dago...
Is HW down? i can't seem to access it! it may be a cruddy connection.. I'll try from home on wednesday!
See you all later!