I have recently descovered a talent in banner productions and wish to share some of my work with the community, I am open to criticism but please keep it clean and not too offensive, lol.

Here they are


*This one is for my website, I am currently using a poorly thrown together format until I can find a good host and pay for a site (Geocities just doesnt do it for me)

*This is a small signature I made one night when I was bored and following is a few others I have made for my friends.


*A very persistant friend.


*Kazuma the Native Alter-User as I knew him before


*My friend Joe's Garage band.

I do emboss it too much, I realize this, but I believe this outlaying texture is a great addition.
Nice! A red x in a white bbox, with SFCE next to them!
In response to Garthor
Strange, when I previewed the post they worked. Maybe I need a better host, know of any good freebies?

[Edit] Funny, the links work when I have the page open that hosts them, oh well [/Edit]

In response to NeoHaxor
Freewebs doesn't allow stuff like that. You'll have to go to properties, then copy the image URL, and put it into your browser manually. Then, it'll be in your cache, and you can view it.

The links to the pictures are located under the Forum link.
