There's Nothing Wrong Because Its Already Been Solved As I Said Multiple Times Dude. If U Read The Rest Of This Forum Page U'd Know That And Wouldn't Have Said Anything In The First Place.
Trying to tone it down a notch here, there's nothing wrong with making mistakes and accepting criticism or corrections gracefully.
Part of the reason I try not to help people via PM on certain specific issues is because this is a forum, and not every response is directed completely at the OP. We have this handy archive of thousands of answers to thousands of questions. In the future, people may come along with a similar problem and find this thread. If they have to wade through two+ pages of argument and pissing matches, it's really not great for readability and usefulness. Even if you do actually know what you are doing, and the correction is unnecessary for you, it might be necessary for someone else. It's always best to make these threads not about you, but rather about your issue and possibly tangental to your issue. Coming in with a chip on your shoulder and stirring the hornet's nest only makes the thread less readable for others. @Narutogx2: If the issue is solved, don't try to get the last word in. It's an invitation for further conversation. |
Well I Was Just Trying To Get An Admin To Close The Post To Further Comments Because There's No Need For Them o.O
That's not what they are here for. Threads evolve naturally, and this is a volunteer driven subforum. Most of us that contribute here regularly are not admins.
Coming into the thread and basically telling some of the most experienced users of this language that they don't know what they are talking about, and then simultaneously saying that a thread that isn't your own should be closed because you don't like being criticized is a little bit problematic. Especially when pointed out that you've left misinformation in a thread that's for the explicit purpose of helping people with problems not just now, but also in the future, getting defensive and trying to shut down the topic by continually silencing others and trying to get the last word in doesn't contribute to a good thread at all. This thread would be ten links down by now and fully resolved had you simply said: "Oh, I guess I was wrong about that sleep being problematic." and left it at that. Surely you can see that? |
Yeah Here's Another Thing, Why Are People Criticizing Me Since His Code Is Supposed To Be Based Off My Own, And I Actually Did It Right? Lmao I Was Just Tryina Help A Friend, Since He Was Trying To Replicate My Code, lol.
Why Are People Criticizing Me Since His Code Is Supposed To Be Based Off My Own, And I Actually Did It Right? It's the way you talk to people. I'm out. Whole thread is derailed at this point, and this is pointless. It's like talking to a brick wall. |
B. You guys are taking too much offense when asking for help and receiving it. You've displayed ignorance to the bits I've posted and clearly don't understand as much as you'd like to lead-on. It's okay, I was at that point a while ago myself. Take advice, it's okay. Won't hurt anything, it actually helps. We're not insulting either of you by telling you guys what's wrong here; we're trying to help you guys learn.
Since the amount of help given for this topic is exceedingly null, I won't be replying again and neither should you. I just hope you listen and accept the help, rather than keeping with your 'I know everything, I'm the best around.' attitude.