I wrote a pretty eerie song earlier today, tell me what you guys think:
Trauma Town
It's definately weird. Not something for a game, but very... interesting....
Heh, I was waiting forever for some lyrics at the beginning (reminds me of some rap songs) but it is perfect without em. It sounds like it would go great with a game of mixed genres like an action/rpg mixed game with an evil/creepy/suspense theme.
Right now I am currently working on a game of that type and I wonder if I could possibly use it (fully credited of course) if you cannot fit it into a game of your own. (I am terrible at music, perhaps one of the only arts I cannot do.
Anyway, good job.

Decent sound there.
In response to NeoHaxor
NeoHaxor wrote:
Heh, I was waiting forever for some lyrics at the beginning (reminds me of some rap songs) but it is perfect without em. It sounds like it would go great with a game of mixed genres like an action/rpg mixed game with an evil/creepy/suspense theme.
Right now I am currently working on a game of that type and I wonder if I could possibly use it (fully credited of course) if you cannot fit it into a game of your own. (I am terrible at music, perhaps one of the only arts I cannot do.
Anyway, good job.


You can use, just put me in the credits =).
Nice! Perfect for a sneaking game, methinks. Now if only BYOND had OGG support... =P
In response to Ebonshadow
Thanks, at least I have your permission to do so and it will fit perfectly with my upcomming fan-game (More news on it in the future) and I believe I would be the first one to duplicate this theme. Also, if you would like, I would gladly send you a copy of the file converted to .midi for future BYOND usage. All I need is a place to send it, as I currently have nowhere to host the file.

P.S: My new AIM sn is NeoHaxorX (We have lost contact ever since my old computer was toasted)
This has like nothing to do with it, but I heard a freaking wierd song (actually it was a music video) where these two girls were like in a prison, but they were singing in Russian! It was so creppy it give me shivers hearing two girls singing russian. AH, so creepy. Anyone else seen it? (im not even sure what it was)
High energy suspense with a post-apocalyptic Tetris vibe.
In response to Independence
Yeah, its Tatu(i think i spelled it right), theyve got that song in English as well, but I suppose it would sound pretty weird in russian.
Sounds great. Kinda sounds like a Zelda Theme (SNES) with a Nelly "Batta Up" bass line mixed in with some errie sound effects. Nicely done.
In response to Hedgemistress
Hedgemistress wrote:
High energy suspense with a post-apocalyptic Tetris vibe.

Heh. I agree with everything but the Tetris part -- the thoughts it conveys in my mind seem to be more of an epic, leading towards fighting towards the end.

But that's mainly because I hear what I want to hear, regardless of what the music actually sounds like. =P
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
Nice! Perfect for a sneaking game, methinks. Now if only BYOND had OGG support... =P

1) Convert song to wav from mp3
3) Use MPG- Layer 3 on it to make it smaller, and tada, mp3s basically in byond.
In response to Mrhat99au
Ok, when you convert an mp3 to a wav file, its a gigantic wav file. MPG- layer3 is another term for mp3, so what the hell are you getting at here?
In response to Jotdaniel
Wat im getting at is the fact that it will be a wav file not a mp3 which means we can use it on byond!