The online blue book was very much appreciated. Thanks.
But having a hardcopy is even better because you can tape the addendums to it, and write in the margins... with the online book, one's screen gets cluttered when trying to do the same as with the paper book... =)
In response to digitalmouse
Which is why I still will purchase the book.
In response to digitalmouse
digitalmouse wrote:
But having a hardcopy is even better because you can tape the addendums to it, and write in the margins... with the online book, one's screen gets cluttered when trying to do the same as with the paper book... =)

WOW, Im not the only one who taped it to my bluebook :)
In response to digitalmouse
The online copy doesn't work very well in the bathtub, either.
In response to Hedgemistress
Neither does the printed book, I would think.
In response to Crispy
Mine works perfectly well, as does every book I own, except for the Count of Monte Cristo, which is fifteen hundred pages... that one, I have to lay the book down to read it.
In response to Hedgemistress
If I tried to read a book in the bathtub, it would probably get soaking wet and fall apart, heh.
In response to digitalmouse
You could get a tablet pc, then the book is on the go with you and you could doodle on it all you wanted.
In response to Scoobert

tablet pc vs the blue book

tablet pc: $819
the blue book: $12

i think ill stick with buying the blue book, over the pocketpc
In response to Jerico2day
a tablet pc is not a palm piloit. Get it right people. A tablet pc is a stadard paper sized computer thats about .75" thick, runing winXP that you can write notes and stuff one, waighing about 3 pounds. Probibly somewere in the 1.5-2k range. I just want a tablet pc.