![]() Apr 2 2003, 5:47 am
All this talk of the stupid war has really crippled the forums. Nobody is talking about things that truly matter, and that just shows who here are easily manipulated
Dareb wrote:
All this talk of the stupid war has really crippled the forums. Nobody is talking about things that truly matter, and that just shows who here are easily manipulated Fair enough. Let's have a discussion about something that truly matters. How about this: what is the best way to capture the soul of a dying person? Personally I find it useful to make sure that the almost-deceased is lying down (which is usually the case anyway), then to lean over and align my lips -- almost like performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, except with the opposite intention! When the person expires, I inhale the last breath when it is expelled, thus consuming the soul. The only problem is that it's easy to misjudge the timing of the last breath, and part of the soul may seep into thin air. Also, it makes me burp. What I would really like to do is save up several souls in a single large Ziploc freezer bag, and let them ferment for a while, then distill them into a sippable liqueur. But I do not have the technical knowledge to pull this off. |
Dareb wrote:
All this talk of the stupid war has really crippled the forums. Nobody is talking about things that truly matter, and that just shows who here are easily manipulated Uhh the forums don't seem any different than usual :P. Also "things that truly matter" is highly subjective and usually events that have a large impact on the world tend to become popular topics of discution. |
Heh, or we could talk about our great ideas that we have no capability of ever creating. So instead describe the idea as vaguely as possible, and ask for free help.
What really is there to talk about the war? We're going to win no doubt. If they just weapons of mass descrution on us, it will just dig their grave deeper, knowing perhaps other countries saw this, they might pitch in too.
Well, here's my theory why no other countries wish to go to war to help us, for one...they have no back bone. Two, they owe us money from previous wars(which is why the U.S is in a national debt). And three, the other countries are afraid to fire a single bullet in fear of not being popular with the other anti-war countries.
Umm the things we talk about and do on BYOND are the things that truely do not matter.
The war matters a great deal. Entertainment is not something that truely matters just about any of the time. |
Asguard wrote:
We're going to win no doubt. The killing of people - civilians or soldiers - is not winning, it's just stupid. I saw a sign on a protestor in England - "War is not modern" If they just weapons of mass descrution on us, it will just Heh, but then who will be around to bury us, eh? (Since by logical conclusion there would not be anyone around after the use of such weapons...) |
indeed, if they used a weapon of mass destruction Canada would probably join in against the children.
Dracon and Goku72 wrote:
Well, here's my theory why no other countries wish to go to war to help us, for one...they have no back bone. Two, they owe us money from previous wars(which is why the U.S is in a national debt). And three, the other countries are afraid to fire a single bullet in fear of not being popular with the other anti-war countries. Not true. Bush knew that America would be in a national debt if he entered a war, the aid of other countries would NOT help with that. It's not that Canada doesn't have a backbone, its that we realized your going up against children. Meaning, your not fighting a war, your spanking a rebellious teenager.. It's not our issue America can do that well enough on it's own They don't NEED our help, so we won't give it.. The moment America NEEDS Canada, WE WILL BE THERE. If all these other countries were afraid to fire a bullet for fear of popularity with other countries, we would have entered the war. By all means, America is more dangerous than all the terrorists in the world, past present and future. |
It's more like a reaction. they die, im near. BOOM.
like a receptacle. But its hard to say "SOUL" could just be the energy of a spirit. |
Dareb wrote:
...your not fighting a war, your spanking a rebellious teenager... a teenager whose culture is far, far older than the New World's current occupants... |
If people want to babble and waste hard-disk space, do it on other financially supported forums - not here...