![]() Apr 3 2003, 4:52 am
In response to Kunark
great, when everyone developes psychic powers I can see it now. Laziness hits an all new high
Dareb brings up a good point...
What we are doing is definitely not making the pain go away... We are controlling our minds' perception of it in order to allow us to ignore it... There's a difference... It still "hurts", but it ceases to cause us discomfort...because we alter how our minds interpret the sensation... He's also right about adrenaline... Adrenaline's number one purpose is as a defensive measure that occurs naturally as a way to deaden pain sensations and to heighten other bodily functions... "Fight or flight" as they say... It's a surge of power that causes everything to work harder in the body... The heart pumps faster, the muscles become slightly stronger, etc... And too much of it can definitely be harmful... Kind of like revving the engine in a car to its peak for sustained periods of time... Things begin to burn up... However, I myself am an "adrenaline junkie", so to speak...lol I love the rush, and I'd love to have Nadrew's ability to up it at will... As it is, I have to resort to being a roller coaster enthusiast and other such things to get my "highs"...lol But the truth underlying all of this talk is that the human mind is much more powerful than many people realize... No, I don't believe that it is powerful enough to act on objects outside of the body, but within the body, it can perform "miracles"... Some other examples of these types of abilities can be found in martial arts... Bruce Lee, for example... He had such great control over his body that he could slow his heart rate at will... Or the Monks that go into the high mountains and sleep in below freezing conditions with no blankets, and come down the next morning unharmed... Of course, I doubt I'll ever have that level of ability, but for practical, everyday use, the ability to make headaches "go away" is extremely handy... |
You said about how when your body stops working, the electric pulses in your brain stop, well from what I have read and heard about the brain is that electric pulses keep going on for months after death, so doesn't that destroy the theory on your body purely maintaining them? Perhaps it's just our body retires and our mind stays alive, maybe death is a type of instant transformation, and when we die our minds develop their thoughts outside of the body, therefore creating a soul-like creature which is basically a thought up version of ourselves, and everybody living cannot see the pulses created by the brain, and to us we could see a different world which could be represented as a religious heaven, or hell.... It's just a theory created up while typing, so blah! However, I am pretty sure that the mind still uses electric pulses after death, not very powerful, but powerful enough to grow hair and nail cells.
I think that when we die, we just sit quietly in our useless body and think about our past until we are totally devoured by insects/bacteria, yes it is depressing, but I wouldn't doubt something good might happen out of it. Hence why I feel looking on the better side of life is best, and I don't like wasting my life thinking about death. <<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Some other examples of these types of abilities can be found in martial arts... Bruce Lee, for example... He had such great control over his body that he could slow his heart rate at will... Or the Monks that go into the high mountains and sleep in below freezing conditions with no blankets, and come down the next morning unharmed... Of course, I doubt I'll ever have that level of ability, but for practical, everyday use, the ability to make headaches "go away" is extremely handy... You can easily learn to control your body, so if you actually apply yourself then you could be just like the monks =P. I think the pain control thing is gained by every single person this planet who actually cares for it, I used to not be able to ignore pain until I turned about 11, and had slipped and slammed my neck on a water fountain, gashed the entire back area of my neck and almost paralyzed me. I went through 5 very long hours of pain, in which I finally got over pain, period. The only type of martial arts related pain control I do is conditioning, such as I use a conditioner paddle and layer out my shins, knuckles, stomach, arms, and face. I don't really have a care for the paranormal anymore, since I spent 3 years on that subject and found out it was 99.9% bullcrap. If I can be proven wrong, then I might actually start believing Dareb on some things :). <<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
Well I would have to disagree with you there because I believe in ghosts, for the reason that I believe I, along with my parents, experienced one before.
Also, I get alot of story, though this stuff I can't have any proof that it is true, but many people I have known (not just people my age, but much older ones too) have done stuff/seen stuff paranormally. I had a friend who works in a hospital who claims to have seen a ghost in a hospital after being told stories by other workers who said they have seen ghosts there (if he did see it, of course there is always the chance of hillucination) he claimed to have saw a child's ghost walk out of a room and through the door of another. I have a friend I do not know as well who claims that she played with a ougi board enough to have conversations with the past-on. I have an ex-friend's father who claimed that after he used a ougi board, his house became haunted and they had to call an excorsist (His children would see their shadows change form into what looked to be a shadow holding a knife, more shadow-play, screeching handprints sliding down the window, etc.). Which of course non of that I could fully belive because I wasn't the one who experienced it, but most of it I do believe to be true. Thats just why I believe in ghosts though, I'm skeptical if mind-stuff works or not (though there is scientific proof from the 1960s or so that Remote Viewing was successful, when Remote Viewers were able to see and tell about being-newly-built buildings in the Soviet Union, then after a little while, there came proof that what they saw WAS actually there.). But you say you don't believe in paranormal, but that leaves the unexplained unspoken for, for paranormal isn't just mind and spirits. Think about what the hell are "Rods", which are the extremely mysterious rod-like, almost machine looking, things that appear when some home videos are slowed down, and at the time of the taping were not visible to the human eye. That also rules out what happened at the Tarskuk (spelling?) explosion in Russia, which was the power of 2,000 Hiroshima sized nuclear bombs, started from the sky, and was not radioactive. Scientists say that they think it was a fragment from a comet that entered the earths atmosphere, and exploded. Vaporization explains why there may not have been fragments of the comet-piece, but that doesn't explain why it actually exploded before it touched the ground. Another explanation is that a mad scientist mastermind (dont remember the name) was testing a new weapon. But this was I believe in like 1904, when nuclear bombs wern't invented, let alone a non-radioactive blast that is 2,000 times the power of our first nukes. |
Hair and nail growth is not controlled by the brain. And the brain can't function without oxygen, and if your heart isn't pumping, it gets no oxygen.
Yeah, I suppose the brain does hold a charge after death...
However, that's nothing but what I just said: a held charge... Residual energy leftover within the body... I don't believe that actual thoughts are happening... Just some leftover pulses and chemical reactions that keep going until they wear off... The body creates and maintains these pulses and energies and uses them while alive, and when the body dies, whatever's left remains, but slowly fades away... And if any new energy is created after death, then it is the result of continuing chemical reactions... Not something actively created by the body, but a natural occurance of chemistry that keeps working... And like Garthor said, the brain doesn't make hair and nails grow... And besides, it has been said that hair and nails don't actually grow, but that the tissues around them shrink and recede, giving them the appearance of growth... But, who really knows? My words are basically only my own theories, so I can't say I'm definitely correct... But I'd bet my life on it...lol |
I'm still highly skeptical... No matter what countless others have reported to see/experience, I don't see that as proof... Until I personally have such an experience, or see some tangible proof, I'll never believe those stories...
For any single story of unexplained events, there's always some way to explain them... See a ghost? Mind playing tricks on you... Especially if you've been given the suggestion that ghosts are around... The mind sometimes sees what it's expecting to see, regardless of whether it's really there or not... Take the MTV show "Fear" for example... They take a bunch of easily scared kids, put them in a dark place, and fill their heads full of ghost stories... The kids then start to believe what they're told, and freak out... Even when there's nothing around... It happens all the time... Someone hears the house settling and creaking at night (a perfectly natural occurance) and they get ideas of people walking around, or voices, or whatever... Pretty much what I'm saying is that the human mind can turn ANYTHING into a ghost sighting... And it's that weakness that makes me doubt ghost stories... As for the "unexplained", I personally believe that for every instance there is some perfectly natural explanation and cause... "Rods"? Faults in the film or the cameras... Tricks of light... That explosion in Russia (which, by the way, is really neat... especially seeing all of those trees flattened right over...lol)? I'm inclined to go with the meteorite explanation... Why did it blow up? Explosive compounds are not limited to existing on Earth... Any piece of debris in space could potentially be explosive... Put it through the heat of entering the atmosphere, and of course it's going to explode... Like I said, there are plenty of ways to explain the "unexplained"... Whether or not we've found them... |
Yeah, I'm sure if I was given enough time and wanted to put forth the effort into doing so, I could develop my control to the point of being capable of such amazing feats... But I really am not motivated enough to bother with it, so that's why I say I'll never be able to do it...lol
And yeah, I agree that everyone on the planet has these abilities... But the problem is that not everyone uses them... If they did, then we wouldn't need aspirin or whatever else...lol |
I don't think I've experienced anything that I could objectively point to as evidence of the paranormal. Plenty of episodes that could be interpreted as "synchronicity", but nothing that couldn't also be interpreted as simple coincidence. I have known maybe three people who claim to have had more definitive experiences and who I would consider above reproach -- though not necessarily above interpreting coincidence as synchronicity.
That said, I do believe that there are powers that can manipulate our world in much the same way that a GM can manipulate a BYOND game. To us they would seem magical -- and in fact, they would be magical -- but to them they would only be acting in accordance with a broader understanding of reality. And now it's time for me to go to bed. Hopefully the BYONDscape gnomes will put something good up on the site during the night. |
A few weeks after moving into the house we currently live in, we found out that the builder of our house hung himself in our basement 5 years before. We never thought anything about it, just thinking it was odd that we were living in a house where something like that had happened. Later on that week I had one of my friends spend the night, and he started to notice weird things about that part of the house. He woke up in the middle of the night scared, and said he seen some guy down the hall(he thought it was a burglar). I tried to brush it off, thinking nothing of it, telling him it was nothing more than his imagination taking over.
A few months went by, and everything seemed to be a lot calmer around the household. Then one night my dad was standing in the kitchen, and he yelled at me on the couch and asked if I wanted spice in the noodles, I leaned over the couch and told him yes, then I got clubbed in the back of my head by the remote that was at the other side of the house. I found it odd, and went to ask my mom what the hell was she thinking. She, and my sister, were both asleep, and my dad was in the kitchen. I couldn’t sleep well that night, knowing what had happened. The next day, we’re all in the living room watching Water Boy, when all of a sudden we heard the water in the bathroom go on. Me, my sister, mom, and dad, were a little spooked that the tap would all of a sudden go on. A few weeks after that, I was grounded for skipping classes, and was not allowed to go downstairs to my living room. My parents went out later that evening for dinner, when they arrived home they seen the downstairs living room light on, and thought it was me down their when I wasn’t suppose to be. They came storming in the house to give me crap, but I was laying in bed sleeping. Later that night my dad got mad, because my little sister was scared [expletive deleted] about all the things that have been happening. Ever since then, not one thing has happened in my house, but if you ask me, it’s hella’ scary. RaeKwon |
Oh god, yea.. Aspirin this, Acetomenophine(sp) that :D
"Poppin Pills, poppin veins cryin bout those minor pains." I myself don't even get headaches. |
The meteorite explanation is not valid.. Any easily combustible material would ignite upon entry, anything of significant size that is combustible and was moving fast enough to penetrate our atmosphere and get close to the surface and explode on impact would do a hell of alot more damage than that.
There was no debris, no trace of a source, only theory. |
There are plenty of ways to explain that it could in fact have been a meteorite...
Perhaps the combustible material was encased in regular rock... It would take at least a little while longer for the rock to burn away (or for at least the heat to reach the explosive inside) which would delay an explosion... Perhaps long enough for it to reach whatever height it exploded at... The theory is not that the object exploded on impact, but that it exploded in mid-air (much like atomic bombs... they explode in the air, rather than on impact...) And it is entirely possible that it could have made it close enough to the surface to cause the damage it did, while not actually hitting the ground... And I'm sure there are a nearly infinite number of different conditions and variables that could be possible that would make the meteorite explanation perfectly feasable... Yes, that would probably end up in a situation that seems extremely coincidental (numerous factors would have to be lined up just right for it to have happened), but just because it doesn't seem likely, doesn't mean it couldn't have happened that way... But you're right, all we really have are theories... I just happen to think this one makes the most sense... |
Well i cant say for a fact that i have seen telekinesis work. But, my dad told me that great grandpa would tape a christmas ornament inside a jug, and put a string on the ornament, after that he would put something on the end of the string then secure it somehow so that it would stop moving. Then he would stare at it for a long time and it would move. Everyone in my family saw him do it. He died before i was born though.
Well, Voodoo is impossible..so are magic chants..heres why..
Ya cant just say something, and expect an outcome, like making objects move. Voodoo.....common sense! Telekinesis..is possible.... Ghosts and stuff.....are VERY VERY REAL. Maybe not in this dimention of existance, but in heaven and hell..WELL DUH! Also there is another Dimension, where ghosts, demons(not always bad) and other things roam. This dimention..is the Astral Plains..::X Files Music:: Page me for more info. As for Paranormal Activities in THIS dimention... I'd say aura's are paranormal.. No..not that shiny fire in DBZ Those are Chi/Ki/Qi flames......... Aura's are an invisible(to the naked eye) layer of energy that floats around the body. It doesn't show power, it shows your mood, emotions and that stuff. A White Aura doesn't mean your flying...you dont WANT a white aura..trust me.. Another Paranormal thing.. The REAL Fortune Tellers/Psychics. I'm not talking about those old ladies who flash around cards and say "Woo lookit me I have a Crystal Ball". I'm talking about the ones that REALLY are fortune tellers and psychics. Dont you think its odd they can do all that stuff? Its all a matter of training the Chakras..(page me for info(again)). AND GHOSTS AND SPIRITS. Ghosts and Spirits are very real, but are very different. Spirits are the inner you. Imagine a Spirit to look just like you, only pure white and dithered a bit, or transparent. Spirits are usually inside your body. If the body is dead, the spirit leaves it to heaven or hell. When you sleep and dream, your Spirit is in your dream. Spirits cannot contact the real world at will, like ghosts can. Ghosts Usually invisible to the naked eye, these roam this dimension. Ghosts usually arent dense and can only be seen when the viewer can see other supernatural things such as Aura's and their own energy. And no, they arent just shapeless white blobs with eyes and an upside down D shaped mouth. They can be any shape, and USUALLY are white. Why do they freak us out and scare us? They dont try to..usually... They are watching you for they know you somehow....whether from your dreams(they live in astral plains too!), or from a past life, or whatever. If they are trying to scare you, or stalking you...Get your aura taken.it might be White...... I saw 1 ghost in my lifetime.. In an old big white mansion(what an ideal place for a ghost), in the middle of November, I think I was 7... I looked out of the window of My School Bus..and saw a wierd neon red ghost looking out of the window, watching me..I dunno if I hallucinated it or not..but thats the only time I've seen a ghost....................so far........ ~Jace Toilet Monkey of the Supernatural |
I take offence to that statement for I know you are mocking me by it.
You cannot do any psysical damage with Chi blasts. Chi will not make you a retarted DBZer. Chi will not let you blow up Canada with your finger. Chi will not blow up the moon. Chi is an aincient Japanese art somewhat proven in the Christian Religeon AND Science. Furthermore you must be pretty immature to post something like that on the forums just to feel big and better than others, even though you know nothing about the art of Chi, you feel you should insult it because you think it has to do with DBZ. It doesn't. |