Hey all. I was just browsing the 'net, when I stumbled upon this little article.

It has some really good tips for game makers, both oldbie and newbie!

Hey Dracon, did you read my post about your faulty DBZ text game? If not here it is:

Post [link]

In response to Boronks
Lol you really should just send him a page or an e-mail about it, he would be tons more likely to see it then.
Hey, fuzzy brother o mine! You should write a guide to making games so all your newbie believers will be like Uncle Dewey.. "Oh wow...." ^_^ Or maybe I should write "Manerk's guide to complete fuzziness: volumes 1 through 133" :P
In response to Boronks
Sorry about that, I didn't notice it was corrupt! It's all fixed now! =)
In response to Dracon
Thanks a bunch Dracon, and sorry if I didn't reply fast enough, I didn't want you thinking that I was some stuck-up jerk that isn't going to reply because someone else made a mistake, its just because were in different time zones.

Thanks again, J.C.
In response to Dracon
Hey the legend of the dragonballs thing still came up. :/
In response to MaNiAcK
MaNiAcK wrote:
Hey, fuzzy brother o mine! You should write a guide to making games so all your newbie believers will be like Uncle Dewey.. "Oh wow...." ^_^ Or maybe I should write "Manerk's guide to complete fuzziness: volumes 1 through 133" :P

Why not walk to the other room and tell your brother that? This seems to be somewhat obsurd.

In response to MaNiAcK
LOL, post at least once a week man.
In response to Boronks
Delete the old downloaded files, then re-download it.