  • Check out
  • play a very awesome multiplayer game!
  • fight in a 3-D world!
  • teams, a must-play!
  • my name on wulfram is wolf01
Not to shabby, the graphics arnt that great and i dont like the controlls, but its fun.
In response to Scoobert
The graphics are ok, not the best, but at least they dont lag you down. The controls are pretty good in my opinion, but the overall gameplay wasn't enough for me to play that for any length of time. Iv'e played it before wolf posted that link anyway.
In response to Jotdaniel
It's fun, I've had a moderately low rank for a long while, though. One annoying thing though is when that 20 people with Masers start blasting you and you have trouble finding them..
In response to Hanns
Yep! Masers are the cheapest weapons inthe whole game. Pulse sheels are really good, though, IF you know how to use them the best way.. :)...