I can't believe it. It seemed like just yesterday I was able to get up when I wanted to, do as I wished, eat when I wanted to, and not have a care in the world. Thats probally cause it was yesterday (Gotta love Easter). But I got word from a few associates in school that a job fair is being held this Thursday so I am gonna check it out. I need some extra cash in my pocket anyway. It just seems like it will be...boring. I mean, I have school for 8 hours, I have DrumLine practice till about 6:30 every school day 'cept Fridays, and tons of homework afterwards. On the weekend I am usually at the mall or wherever with friends. Now most of that will be cut down for work.

So, I have a question for any teenagers who have jobs and are still in school, isn't it boring? I mean, do you ever feel fustrated and want to quit because of all the things you are missing out on? And how to you manage it?

This is why you need a summer job =/. It can take up the slots that school took up, and when you get to the good part about being a youth, you have money to enjoy it all the more.

Well, I have a job (two actually, ones just a temp one though). Anyways, it's pretty easy. I do miss out on some of the kickass parties (yesterday, for example :/). But I'll get my money.... :/

I just need my car, and if my parents pay for it, it'll be a cheap ass one. I want a 1960-79 Mustang, Camero, Trans Am, or anything "muscle" for that era. Then I'll "cut back" on the hours.
Well i dont have a job, but im looking left and right for one, it seems that living in a small town such as i do, leaves few jobs open for the all the kids in my school.
I'm getting a job soon... very soon. And it sure is going to cut into my "busy" schedule of sleeping, eating, and playing video games. But after I begin working, the only enjoyable activity I will resume in is crying on a pillow shaped like my father from 10 to 10:15.

I love work, it's a great time to hang out with friends, earn money, meet people, earn money, discounts, and did I mention the money? Right now I currently work at McDonalds (until this summer when I am getting a job maintaining a web-based network that my uncle owns part of... it's an easy $1000 weekly, and its part-time (Lazy and rewarding... Job of my dreams). Of course my real fantasy job is a professional game designer, but this will work for now (At least while I'm in school and through college)

In response to Dracon
Dracon wrote:
But after I begin working, the only enjoyable activity I will resume in is crying on a pillow shaped like my father from 10 to 10:15.


i could never handle many jobs and could never find my niche.

So I was always frustrated enough to quit. It's a legitimate reason but the government is too stubborn to accept it. I wouldn't make something up that could only hurt me.
I am still trying to convince my parents that BYOND is profitable enough to consider a job. I don't intend to make much money from BYOND (if any) but it sure beats getting a "real" job.
Stimulus wrote:
So, I have a question for any teenagers who have jobs and are still in school, isn't it boring? I mean, do you ever feel fustrated and want to quit because of all the things you are missing out on? And how to you manage it?


I work for my brother, doing various things (Help set up commercials, events, some inventorial management, photo editing) so mayby that contributes to it, but I love working. It's not just that I like what I do, though. It's great to have a source of income. I don't work THAT much though, its more of a gig once or twice a month I get payed heavily for.
So, I have a question for any teenagers who have jobs and are still in school, isn't it boring? I mean, do you ever feel fustrated and want to quit because of all the things you are missing out on? And how to you manage it?

When I turned 16, the good news was that I got a car (used, but in good shape). The bad news was that I got a job. I worked as a stock boy through the rest of high school. It was frustrating at times, but it wasn't too bad. I wasn't really missing out on anything that I wouldn't have missed out on if I wasn't working... I would've just been sitting around the house reading and playing video games on my Commodore 64. :)
In response to OneFishDown
the amount of profit you can make on byond is only determined by the popularity, content and the fanbase.

You make a good game, have only one server on with scheduled downtimes. become a reliable host and have the game consistantly fun; challenging newbies and oldbies alike and BOOM!

At first it is best that you make one solid game on BYOND that is free for the most part. Subscribers would have access to more things.. what they are is up to you. Make them fun but not Uber..

What I greatly suggest is that you NOT allow others to host the game.. under any circumstance.. be the only server..

If you make any promises keep them.. because once you get subscription dimes you must update regularly.. Keep it up and you can make hundreds of dollars.

OH.. and any source code on byond that is done relatively bugless is worth at least 3000 dimes if it's original.
In response to Alathon
bastard :(

i want to easily get a job i'd enjoy and learn things at.

In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
OH.. and any source code on byond that is done relatively bugless is worth at least 3000 dimes if it's original.

I happen to be Mr. Original Source Code and the exact opposite of Mr. Releasing Source Code. What's good for my wallet isn't necessarily the best for BYOND, or what I want to do.
In response to OneFishDown
and im Mr OpenSourcedisUberCool. Now I just wish I could give a smart comment back...
In response to Maz
I had a hunch that you'd reply =P
In response to Scoobert
Even all the adults here are losing their jobs, which leaves slim to nill chances for me even finding a minimum wage job.
In response to Dareb
I thought you were fat or something and couldn't get a job? Or some type of "disability". I seriously forgot. Forgive me if I'm mistaken but there was a person like this on BYOND....