I have found the following:

3D Maze by Kunark

jots3dmazesrc by Jotdaniel

Maze by OneFishDown (great!)

3DMaze by Volte

and some of their sources along with them, I was wondering, since the BYOND Search will not search for "3D" if there is any other 3D 'engines' developed? If there are any other than the pre-mentioned, please list them here, it would be very much appreciated! Thank you greatly! ^.^

Don't forget about Leftley's!

In response to Volte
Thank you.

Kujila wrote:
and some of their sources along with them...

Maz, don't even say it >=)
In response to OneFishDown
Fine, then ill say it! Onefishdown, what about your maze demo? shouldnt it have sourcecodes? >=P
In response to OneFishDown
*forwardseveryoneshoulddoitandthosewhodontareevilcommunists*/ ahem*
In response to OneFishDown
*cough*wellfineifIwantitthatbadIlljustwritemyownyouevilsource codenazi*cough*
In response to Crispy
Sich Heil to that my friend. Sich heil to that.
I might as well toss mine in the mix. There are a couple bugs, but it looks pretty <small>(if you think circus tents look pretty.)</small>
In response to Shadowdarke
That is totally cool!

I'll release the source when/if I get around to ironing them out.

Hmm,... Well, Iv'e added your HUB wntry to my "Favorite" list in my browser, so I'll be eagerly awaiting! And, I DO mean eagerly! ^_^
In response to Shadowdarke
Heh, I knew it was only a matter of time :D
In response to Shadowdarke
Nice! I did get a runtime error though.

Infinite loop suspected--switching proc to background.
If it is not an infinite loop, either do 'set background=1' or set world.loop_checks=0.
proc name: RayCaster (/client/proc/RayCaster)
usr: Crispy (/mob)
src: Crispy (/client)
call stack:
Crispy (/client): RayCaster(47, 37, 960)
Crispy (/client): UpdateView()
Crispy (/client): Move(the blue wall (5,6,1) (/turf/wall/blue_wall), 9)

This was when facing north, straight into a segment of blue wall that's just northeast of your starting location.
In response to Crispy
Yep, that's the main bug with my raycaster. Now that the demo is public, maybe I'll have the incentive to work on the silly thing again.
In response to Shadowdarke
Please have incentive,... please, oh please... ^_^

In response to Kujila

Is there any other Raycasting/Raytracing BYOND demos out there as of yet? Since this code is being witheld! (hehe, just kiddin'! ^_^)

If so, please toss me a link or two. Thanks.

In response to Kujila
Kujila wrote:
Since this code is being witheld! (hehe, just kiddin'! ^_^)

Have at it. I'm devoting my free BYOND time to Darke Dungeon. Whoever wants to fix this is welcome to. :)
In response to Shadowdarke
Heh, cool beans! ^.^

Anyhow, please gimme a ring if you ever get a chance to correct those errors! Thanks ^_^

Actually I'm working on mine still, with help from Guy.
In response to Shadowdarke
Thats nice, but byond makes it run slow. It would be nice if byond had openGL or DirectX capibility. It would run much smother i believe.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
Thats nice, but byond makes it run slow. It would be nice if byond had openGL or DirectX capibility. It would run much smother i believe.

Byond needs that kind of capibility. *hint hint*

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