Images, view, and missiles are the big targets next. Integrating the view code is non-trivial, but I'm ahead of the game on that by having ported the main engine's view code into Dart; it's just a matter of hooking it up. Missiles I expect not to be too bad; they're basically just temporary appearances with position info, so they should drop in without a lot of trouble now that the flick issues are settled. For the webclient's purposes, I plan to give missiles a temporary atom ID that I'll have to mark as invalid (counting as null) for mouse routines.
Astute viewers of the bug forums will note there's a bug with mouse hits in 508.1293. As a result I plan to do a DS-only release to correct that; I'm expecting to get that up as 508.1294 tomorrow. (That's right, a weekend release!)
Not much news on other fronts at the moment with so many plates spinning, but I haven't forgotten about them. A very minor hub update is coming, and I still want to get in the ban changes to help out big games like SS13--which I may have to do early next week to make sure nothing is badly broken, though I really hate to pull off the webclient when I'm on a roll. I've also been planning ahead with a list of features I want for 509, to the point where there's an actual to-do list there now.
This is what my 509 wish list looks like right now:
- appearance.plane (effectively deprecates stuff like BACKGROUND_LAYER)
- Expansion of atom.color to use optional color matrices (note: I'm not expanding the matrix datum to 5D, because that's crazy)
- Floating point glide_size and gliding offsets
- Color/alpha/transform reset flags (need an appropriate var name and syntax)
- Cardinal (non-Euclidian) glide flag, so diagonal or odd-angled glides take no longer than cardinal-direction glides
- Linear matrix interpolation easing flag (or separate animate() flag?)
The reason those are put off till 509 is because they involve either new vars or message format changes, which always requires a new major version.