I am someone elses comp. because i can't get in on my comp. I don't know why but i can't logg in, i think that it is because i went to change my password and then after i did i couldn't logg in. it kept on asking for my new password, and i kept typing it in and all of a sudden it kicked me off and now i can't get back in. it says that the server is down or it will not let me logg in at this time. So will someone anwser back with some answers please.
P.S. and it is only on my computer!
May 14 2003, 3:54 pm
May 14 2003, 4:05 pm
Each time you have a failed login you lose a point, when you run out of points it bans your key for a certain time, you can go to https://www.secure.dantom.com/devconsole.cgi?qd=loginhelp to verify it is you, and it will unlock your key.