Ever wonder what your ole pal Vortezz looks like?

Uhh... probably not, you're right. Well, just in case, wonder no more!
**Scoobert falls over laughing** Just kidding, i would post a pic of myself, but...Any a select few on byond can and have seen me.
In response to Scoobert
Ive seen you.....hehehehehe
d3wd!!!1111 ur so hot!!!111

Haha, thats great. Just for the heck of it, heres me:

In response to DerDragon
*falls over laughing at DerDragon!* Haha if i had a pic i would post it. By the way what kind of lude act is tigger doing in the background?
In response to DerDragon
My beard is better than yours :p
In response to DerDragon
Cool. While we're at it, here's a new-ish picture of me:

Hehe :)

I don't give my pictures out, but if I ever did, it sould be a blurry head-shot pic of me from my digital crappy $50 dollar camera.
*Jumps on the bandwagon*

Here's a pic that was taken just a month or so ago:

Yup, that's me (boy, I need a haircut...) And yup, that's my lovely girlfriend! Contrary to the way it might seem, she's only 6 months younger than I am... (she'll be 22 in July, even though she looks much younger)

And here's another!

This one is from a year or two ago... We took her two young nephews to a circus that came to town, and they offered to take pictures of crowd members with that It took me a lot of pleading to get her to agree to it (she's not particularly fond of, but she finally gave in and handled it like a trooper! lol
Heh :)
Well to go with the flow heres one i took about 2 minutes ago.

In response to SSChicken
No wonder he's a chicken. Look at all those yoghurt pots! (not that yoghurt has much to do with chickens...)
In response to Maz
I might be convinced to dig out my Digital Camera from one of the some odd 50 crates standing around in the house, if someone were to host it for me. But then I have to find it, and have my girlfriend take one :( Which involves bribery, a 60 minute train and bus ride, and some cure for my eternal laziness... GoT Webspace?
In response to Alathon
Sure, I can host.

Kind of old, before I shaved my head.

My self-portrait that I made in Microsoft Paint. However, I don't have shoes that color, nor do I have a shirt that color, and I never wear my pants cuffed. Oh well, that's me =)


w00t to the cap :)
In response to Maz
Ive known what he looks like for almost a year now :p
In response to Jotdaniel
Gahh evil evil Geocities not show my pretty face! Whoe is you..
I can't take one right now(I just checked and some damn fool*cough*me*cough* left my camera on so the batteries are dead). But heres a link to the one on my msn profile. Its a bit old though, my goatee is a lot longer and I grew my sideburns a little. mypicture?user=4263~4AvAAAAAAEF1ZDp9qXD47kYLxsyKaoqOR58sk*i3 14PwsCN1AKdv8DYw$$~4AwAAAAAAGNdsyrEMER5DdB!Rd60!PkWlKcOKxhdr i9bE$
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