Wiggy! You've only showed me one of your pictures from 2 years ago or so... I think...

Post your pictures!

Egads, no! I don't want to be scarring the neighboorhood children for life, now do I? >=) Although I could paste my face on "Hello Kitty". That'd be wicked.

In response to Crispy
BMP is evil. Eeevil. If I use BMP I shall eviscerate my brains with a monkey wrench. Yes, a monkey wrench. A big monkey wrench. A really really REALLY big monkey wrench. With bells on. Spiked bells. Then I shall proceed to convert all BMP images to a decent format, like JPEG or PNG. Mmmmmn, JPEG or PNG. Mmmmn."
In response to Dracon
no, it would just add to the horror :D
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