what is your age, sex, and location?

and while your at it tell me if you are a coder,icon artist, or gamer for beyond.

I am bored, and i just wandered what the ages of the coders and stuff were.

well i am 14/m/Ohio
17/m/IL, 2D/3D Artist and Programmer. 5 years experience.
In response to Branks
Around what part of IL branks?I was from Neoga Illinois till I moved to TN.Oh, 13/M/TN c++(not windows)/byond programmer.

Talk about a small town,Neoga.Im guessing thats how you spell it.Been about 7 years since I lived there.
In response to Soccerguy13
wow branks got alot of expeirence, what games have you made?
14/Male/N.Y Long Island, and I am a wanne be coder. Well I'm trying my hardest to learn.

I do coding. In fact, on most of my games I've done everything.

Coder currently working on 3 games, 1 of which Im head coder, 1 which Im woking with a fairly good coder, and one which Im working with a newbie.
In response to Hazman
In response to Airjoe
man i cant believe how good these coder are for their age, i mean they make such great games
In response to Nave
In response to Nave
I don't think he is talking about just BYOND... In fact, I'm not so sure BYOND has even been around for 5 years.

By the way, this is me: 15/m/UT

I have been here at BYOND for just a little over 2 years.
In response to Kunark
Pre-Teen/m/U.S. A learning coder
In response to Kunark
you make kool weapons.......
I dont descriminate job wise.
In response to Maz
Anonymous / Male / Foomeria

Programmer, Graphics Artist (2D, some 3D), Web Designer.

Not for hire unless you're paying more than dimes.
In response to Kunark
Actually, BYOND has been around longer than 5 years I believe. Perhaps you should read more of the website(Such as the part with the history of BYOND, unfortunately I don't remember what it was under.).

15 / Male / Texas

I'm a programmer, and an icon artist when I need to be.

15/Male/New York

Newbie icon maker. Intermediate coder. Will work for free if I'm in a good mood.
In response to Kusanagi
7 Years I believe. You could consult a few old threads I know a few mentioning Tom's old room mate have dates on them.
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