One thing about me and some of my friends is that we like making intellegent jokes. No, I don't mean jokes about intelegence or jokes about smart people. I mean jokes that are well put together, well thought out, and can make anyone with an even ok sense of humor laugh.

We love to do this, but we are in need of something that we can use to show other people and make them laugh too.

Idea 1) Phoney radio .wavs... This didn't work out because we can't spend any money on good voice changers and sound effect makers/editors.

Idea 2) Cartoons... You don't need that much of an artistic talent as long as it is in flash, but we can't seem to find something that we can edit flash with that doesn't cost money.

Idea 3) Comic Strips... This is the most practicle approach, but comic strips need to be small, and sometimes you can look down and accidentally give away to yourself the next scene.

We want to try cartoons again. So does ANYONE know of a free flash editor?
In response to Crispy
Lol I know, but the only Flash animation editor I could find wasn't on KaZaA. Do you know of one that is on there that is the best on there?
In response to Kunark
Macromedia Flash should be the only Flash editor. They make the software for Flash :D
I use Flash 5, its an old version but I'm not in the mood for learning the more complicated versions.
Just get a video camera.
Kunark wrote:
We want to try cartoons again. So does ANYONE know of a free flash editor?

There isn't one; Flash is a proprietary format and the only editor is the one made by Macromedia. I'd love to learn Flash but this is an obstacle. Lots of people obtain the software illegally, but that doesn't make it free.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
As long as the answers to your joke isn't "A conventional oven!" But as Lummox said... Your not going to find any editing program legally.

Like Lummox ans Stealth said, there is no legal way to get it for free. But, if you want it bad enough, you can always step over to the dark side >:-D Let me make a few calls...

In response to Lummox JR
That's not true. I know of at least two other editors (I use them myself) that create Flash files: Swosh (like Swish but creates flash instead of swf) which I downloaded from a site possibly illegally, and Cinders (Created by Rob Lewis for his website, which I have legally (he FTPd it right to me).
In response to Lord of Water
Lord of Water wrote:
That's not true. I know of at least two other editors (I use them myself) that create Flash files: Swosh (like Swish but creates flash instead of swf) which I downloaded from a site possibly illegally, and Cinders (Created by Rob Lewis for his website, which I have legally (he FTPd it right to me).

I believe that Moho ( can export in Shockwave format too.
In response to Lummox JR
if anyone were to design a program that does the same thing but sold it for less, they would make a killing.. there is a good percentage of people who download illigally that wouldnt if there was an acceptable alternative.

Over at forums I currently bum on, a few people have begun using what has been entitled, "the store", in other words I suggest using stuff that deals on the "lite" side, and it starts with a K.
