
Building a front site right now, but there are four little flash games I have made.

Give 'em a whirl.

Nice! I like the driving one, I wish it was that easy.
In response to Maz
I got like 14k points in that. You know what, I still need to get my learners permit, urrhg.
Hehe I like chopper dropper...

Hehe I hope that isn't done it real life, or if it is I hope they sure are better than me at it :P
In response to Kunark

I really didn't put much time in for balancing the difficulty level, some games are too easy some too hard.

Just made them to learn is all.

In response to Salarn
Now that I got Macromedia Studio, I gotta figure out how to make stuff with it... That stiletto tutorial is too confusing :P
In response to Kunark
The best advice I can give you is:

1) qid=1055733922/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_1/102-1342963-9656901

Great book, if you want to do flash games, this is the one.

2) ref=pd_sim_books_1/102-1342963-9656901?v=glance&s=books

1100 pages, really, can't go wrong with that one.



but if you have specfic questions, feel free to ask.