Just out of curiosity, who made these forums?

DiZzyBonne wrote:
Just out of curiosity, who made these forums?


If you mean the BYOND Forum, then you would have to thank Tom, he is the one who created the forums using Custom CGI I think.

Custom CGI, in means of he programmed the forums himself using the CGI scripting.

In response to Mellifluous
CGI isn't a language itself, it's an interface, many different languages can be run in .cgi form, including C++, and Perl, this forum was done in C++, and I believe it was the handy work of Tom (Dan may have helped, but I'm not totally sure).
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
CGI isn't a language itself, it's an interface, many different languages can be run in .cgi form, including C++, and Perl, this forum was done in C++, and I believe it was the handy work of Tom (Dan may have helped, but I'm not totally sure).

Okies, I never actually classed CGI as a language, more of a script, but still... Thanks for telling me :)
