Inspired from index.cgi?action=message_read&id=194915&forum=7&view=2#19491 5 :-P

I was bored so I decided to make a shell for Byond, I am running out of ideas for it (I have some menus up, I need ideas for programs) If you want to see what I have so far, umm I guess post here or something and I can email it to you. I really need ideas or to see what you think so far. Thanks.

Screenshots will be upload as soon as my host gets back online.

Well, my host just got online (they just recovered from a DoS attack O.o)
Here are some screen shots so far:

-Sorry for the size :-S This is the menu.

-The Restart dialog.

-This is the taskbar.

That's all I have right now.

In response to Blaz3
What exactly is a BYOND shell?
In response to Sariat
It takes the place of explorer.exe. Something like I made this because I was bored and I might actually use it on my server =P.
