Yay! Only 9 more hours!

I just wanted to know what you thought about the series and how you think the new book'll be. ^_^

^-^ ~ Tiko
Yay, only 7 hours here, but I reserved late, so I won't get it for a while.... Personally, there the best books I've ever read, even the first (the one I like the least) is better than any other book I've read. If you read it's description at borders, it has a little piece of the book, and when you get your confermation email, it gives you a little sound clip :)

I also enjoy the "Series of Unfortunate Events", but Harry Potter by far is my favorite book of all time... Did you guys hear about the truck stolen?
I didnt even know their was a new one i guess i'll get it later :p
In response to Koolguy900095
Wha...wha...wha.....<font size=8>WHAT!!</font>
*faints in shock*
They said someones supposed to die O.o
In response to FuZzY DiCe
Yup, bet it's dumbledore!
I have it now. w00t! Just finished reading the first chapter, and let's just say that a certain somebody is not what they appeared. =)

I'm trying to stop myself reading it too fast, so I'm taking breaks between chapters. So far it's the best one yet - Little Whinging (where the Dursleys live) gets fleshed out a lot more in the first chapter, which is great. To be honest, though, a minute or two after reading this I'll probably be devouring the third chapter already! =P

EDIT: I just hope BYOND doesn't experience a sudden flood of crap Harry Potter games, like what happened after the Matrix Reloaded came out...
In response to FuZzY DiCe
FuZzY DiCe wrote:
They said someones supposed to die O.o

I hope it's that whiny showoff Potter kid. I can't wait until he gets his comeuppance at the hands of long-suffering Professor Snape.
I can't get a ride to the party they have here, so I have to get my reserved copy tomorrow. =(

I want it BADLY!!!!

Must have.....


I dont like Harry Potter. -_-
In response to Leftley
Leftley wrote:
I hope it's that whiny showoff Potter kid. I can't wait until he gets his comeuppance at the hands of long-suffering Professor Snape.

LOL. Well, you'll be pleased to know that Snape is treating him just as badly as ever, so far... =)
In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:
I dont like Harry Potter. -_-

You crazy... crazy... PERSON, you! -_-
In response to Crispy
Nor do I ;P
In response to Kunark
Well, that's different. You're Kunark, after all, so it's only to be expected. ;-)
In response to Crispy
I dislike Harry Pothea...errm, Potter too...yes, Potter... >.>
Just thought i would post a link to this.
In response to Crispy
How could it be expected? I like books... Erm... Uhh... Does The Blue Book count? Or maybe the manual for our new couch?

Hehe :P

And yes, The Blue Book was the only book I've read in about 6 years.
In response to Dragon of Ice
Actually, some of my friends got the book, and I've read a paragraph, trying to stop my self until I get my own copy :( I reserved a couple weeks ago, pretty late...
They haven't read the death part, but they heard rumors that it's Hagrid! *Goes off crying*
In response to Dragon of Ice
It makes sense that'd be Hagrid. He'd give his life for Harry & Crew and any of the staff. Any student at that.


*yells 25 miles to Rapid City at his parents to bring back the book*
In response to Tiko
Get Help Get it Fast and ohh yea Get a life
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